Wednesday, October 24, 2012


DuPont, Dow and United Technologies are three major companies which announced yesterday they are cutting back on capital investments and getting ready to cut, cut, and cut jobs due to sagging profits.  Many other major firms are joining the chorus, such as 3M Company, Xerox, and UPS. 

This is a total impossibility; the economy has been mended by B.O., remember?  You can try to hide the truth, but it eventually comes out.  Between the massacre at Benghazi, watched live by the Pentagon and the White House from drones and recon aircraft at the site, and an economy propped up by lies and false statistics, it appears that Obama may at last on the barbeque spit. 

Q. Do you support torture as a method of interrogating U.S. prisoners of war?  (Morris – Daly City, CA)
A. I’m not in favor of torture.  However, when you are dealing with an enemy who is out to kill you and you know that they would not hesitate to torture, yes I believe in torture in those cases.  War is war; it’s dirty and ugly, but the last thing we would want to do as a nation is lose a war because we wanted to be politically correct.    

Q. Days have gone by and there is no indication that Obama is going to pull an “October Surprise” by striking Iran or Libyan terrorists.  What do you think now?  (Bill ~ Henderson, NV)
A. We have about 10-12 more days to worry about it.  Hold your breath and pray; desperate people do desperate things and Obama appears desperate to me.   

Q. Obama says he’s going to hunt down the guys who did the Benghazi massacre and bring them to justice.  It’s been well over a month now and nothing has happened.  Do you think he’s really working on it?  (Peter ~ Moscow, ID)
A. Coincidentally, Obama has been saying every month for the last four years that, “next month I’m going to make jobs my number one priority.”  After each such lip service nothing happened, but yesterday he got on the stump and proclaimed once again that he’s going to make jobs his number one priority.  His back is to the election wall; pay less attention to what he says than to what he has done.  One of the top leaders of that massacre was spotted by the press sitting in an outdoor restaurant in Benghazi about two weeks ago, sipping on a drink and giving Obama the finger.  Where were Obama’s goombahs?     

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.” ~ Mark Twain


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