Saturday, October 13, 2012


Reuters is reporting that the U.S. budget deficit has gone over $1 trillion for the fourth consecutive year. 

If Obama gets reelected, look for $2 trillion next year.  Can you look your grandkids straight in the eye? 

Q. I was flabbergasted to hear the Obama team now blaming Romney on the Libyan murders, accusing him of turning the terrible event into a political thing.  They suggest the whole matter would be long forgotten if it wasn’t for Romney.  How can we “forget” what happened there and the deliberate and outright lies and cover-ups?  (Mona ~ Carson, CA)
A. Don’t tell me.  Tell your neighbors and friends.  You have it very well nailed. 

Q. I hope you and your friends are happy, now that Obama has lost his lead.  You have all been involved in a sick conspiracy to bring our President down, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.  (Ruby ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Yes, I will admit that we have been involved in a conspiracy… a conspiracy of truth.  Get past your liberal-fed, narrow-minded tunnel vision, sit down and open your eyes and ears. Stop your rhetoric long enough to discover for yourself what the facts really are and what the truth really is.  

Q. Several businesses are saying they will either cut staff or cut staff hours to part time as necessary to avoid being saddled with ObamaCare.  It appears that several hundred thousands of jobs may be lost.  Is this kosher?  (Babe ~ Palmdale, CA)
A. If you were in business and you were faced with high increased expenses, would you close your doors and screw everyone, or would you try to take steps to stay in business and maintain as many employees with some kind of a paycheck as you could? 

The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke


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