Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Key economic indicators have gone down for the third consecutive quarter, the generally accepted measure of when we’re in a recession. 

The agencies in charge of declaring a recession generally don’t do so until several months after it begins.  You can be certain that Obama doesn’t want that word in anyone’s vocabulary until after the elections.  More and more economists have predicted that we are on the very verge of a fiscal cliff.  We simply cannot continue to pay mere “lip service” to this problem; we have to do something. 

Q. There has been a ton of suggestions about what Romney should say and how he should act, particularly in the first debate.  What are your thoughts?  (Yancy ~ Englewood, CO)
A. Trying to tell a Presidential candidate how to act and what to say works contrary to what we want.  We don’t want to hear words that are contrived to win votes, words that will later be forgotten as “political promises.”  We’ve had enough bull; we want honesty.  Now, we know that Obama has no idea what the word “honesty” means, but Romney should, and we’d really like to know what to really expect from him if he wins. 

Q. I just heard that the Obama Administration wants to send another $450 million to Egypt, which has basically told us to “fluff off.”  Is Obama out of his mind?  (Lawrence ~ Olympia, WA)
A. Yes. 

Q. Obama wants to use taxpayer money to provide legal fees to defense contractors who are ready to announce massive layoffs as a result of pentagon budget cuts.  He wants them to delay their announcements until after the election.  This is outrageous.  (Phil ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. We have an outrageous President.  He gets away with being outrageous because he owns the press and the media in this country.  And yes, it’s illegal. What is really disgusting is that thousands of Americans will not receive the required advance legal notice of impending layoff, which means they are not likely to be economically prepared for it. 

Big-government economics breeds crony capitalism. It's corrupt, anything but neutral, and a barrier to broad participation in prosperity.” ~ Paul Ryan


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