Wednesday, October 31, 2012


A commentary by James Rainey in the Los Angeles Times says that the Benghazi issue has been supercharged by the Presidential election, and that it is not likely to be resolved very soon.  He goes on to say that even Condoleezza Rice is saying that it will take some time to get to the bottom of this, but that it needs to be investigated. 

The fact is that Benghazi would no longer be an issue if Obama had come clean and leveled with the American public from moment one.  But, he didn’t; he chose to stonewall, pontificate and obfuscate.  Yes, the issue is affecting Obama in a bad way, however it is no one’s fault but his own; either his people he chose to be around him are incompetent or he did something very bad that needs to be covered up.  Since he knows of the danger to his reelection, taking the stonewall approach indicates to me that he is covering up something much, much bigger than Fast & Furious or Solyndra.  Yes, it will take time to get to the bottom of this, and undoubtedly will require subpoenas, refusals to provide testimony, and a Supreme Court decision before we get the answer, if then.  Obama is in a Halloween stew of his own making. 

Q. Romney has indicated that we should get rid of FEMA. Here we are with Sandy’s devastation.  How can he be serious?  (Corrine ~ Chico, CA)
A. We got along pretty darned well for the 200+ years this country was around before FEMA was born.  Disasters like this are best administered at the state level, where you have people with experience on the ground who know where assets are, where addresses are and who are used to working through emergencies together.  All they really need is immediate cash flow to cover costs.  FEMA is just another bloated government agency, born with a good purpose perhaps, but totally inefficient at getting things done on the ground. 

Q. Is there any way to tell how those who are voting early are voting?  (Maureen ~ Salinas, CA)
A. Gallup has been taking exit polls and indicates 15% of voters have already voted.  Romney leads Obama 52% to 45% so far.  It must be our mission, at all costs, to get Obama out of office.  With the possible exception of Vietnam, he is the worst thing to happen to our country since the Civil War. 

Q. I was reading the other day that Mexico’s economy is growing rapidly while ours is deep trouble.  Why is that?  You’d think they would be in worse shape than we are.  (Claudio ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. Because we’re the ones with Obama as our President.  Obama blames Bush, he blames the world economy, he blames Congress… and our next door neighbor is kicking butt.  What does that tell you? 

“Contrary to what you might otherwise expect, the disastrous New England storm was not caused by the Obama White House.  Bush did it” ~ The Unknown Scribbler 


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