Sunday, October 14, 2012


A study on consumer sentiment about the economy and spending shows a marked improvement during the first part of October. 

My initial suspicion was that this is another manufactured statistic put out by Obama supporters, but on further consideration I think it probably has something to do with Romney gaining the lead in the Presidential race.  In fact, I predict that if Romney is elected, the stock market will reach 14,000 within a week, actual consumer spending will surge and hiring will soar, thereby bringing unemployment down and providing the Romney team with more ability to resolve our economic woes. 

Q. Why haven’t we heard any more about the killing of the U.S. Embassy security chief in Yemen?  (Eugene ~ Anderson, CA)
A. Being confronted with an ongoing and very embarrassing Benghazi debacle that refuses to die, the White House delivered orders to the press and the media to bury the Yemen story. Quietly, the Yemeni President has confirmed that the official was indeed killed by terrorists.  Obviously and quite contrary to Obama’s assertion that Al Qaeda was dead, it is very much alive; many sources report that Al Qaeda is growing by leaps and bounds.  So much for White House intelligence and candor…     

Q. The other day when the House hearings were going on into the Benghazi massacre, you reported that Obama had traveled back to Washington after canceling some campaign appearances, to meet with Hillary Clinton in a closed-door discussion about Benghazi.  You said you thought there would be a change in stories coming out as a result of that meeting, but I’ve heard nothing.  (Carolyn ~ Salem, OR)
A. Open your ears.  It started with Biden’s flat denial during the VP debate that the White House had been informed by the intelligence community as to what happened.  I find it odd, however, that everyone else on the planet knew what had happened within 24 hours of the happening.  If you were President and getting a different story from your intelligence people than was being reported in the press, wouldn’t you put some feet to the fire?  Unless, of course, you were off in Vegas ignoring the massacre and campaigning for another four years.  I rest my case. 

Q. Is it true that some students were booted from the VP Debate audience, and why?  (Missy ~ Provo, UT)
A. Some 20 black students from Tennessee who had been invited to attend the debate were booted because space was needed for some “last-minute” politicians and newscasters.  There are unconfirmed reports that the “last minute” add-ons were at the request of the White House.  The students were bussed off to a hotel room and watched the event on TV like everyone else. 

If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull.” ~ W. C. Fields  (White House mantra?)


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