Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Not only did Obama know about the Benghazi attack and the fact that it was terrorism within two hours of the start, but he met with Biden and Petraeus while the attack was going on.  A drone and air reconnaissance appeared over the Consulate within an hour after that and the White House had access to what was being seen.  Special Forces and other military options were available and could have saved the Ambassador and/or some of the dead.  Someone at the highest levels of government, meaning Petraeus or Obama, made a conscious decision not to react.  Obama headed to Vegas to campaign the next day and this started a ten-day insistence by the White House and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice that Benghazi was part of Muslim reaction to the infamous video.  Rice was on the list of people who received intelligence emails from the very beginning, so she was very obviously under orders from someone, Clinton or Obama, to go on TV and claim it was not terrorism...almost two weeks after the massacre.  Emails released yesterday also show that there was a direct threat against the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, but no additional security measures were subsequently provided there after the Benghazi attack.  Yesterday’s Administration stance: “We’re still evaluating,” and “Romney never should have said what he said as soon as he did.”  And four of our best are dead while the cover-up goes on.    

If this whole scenario does not flat piss you off, you’re not an American.  And you want to let your neighbor, friends or relatives vote for the s.o.b. in November?  I’m sorry to be so crude and blunt, but I need to be.  Time is short; the future of our nation depends on you. Be an American; stand up and do your job. 

Q. Why didn’t Romney go after Obama regarding the Benghazi lies?  (Robyn ~ Tulsa, OK)
A. Probably because he knew the story about Benghazi was on the verge of exploding and didn’t want to get his hands dirty. 

Q. If Romney is elected, what do you expect Obama to do?  (Sagan ~ North Hollywood, CA)
A. Blame Bush.  Sorry, I couldn’t resist that.  I think his days as a politician here are numbered.  But, his agenda is to turn the U.S. into a socialist state as a member of a united world order.  I think he will continue to disturb the landscape in that direction…

Q. In light of the breaking news on Benghazi, do you think Obama will address the matter before the election?  (Eva ~ Reno, NV)
A. No.  I think he will continue to attack Romney vehemently and may go ahead and attack Iran’s nuclear sites as well.  However, Petraeus and the military may balk at that… if they are true American patriots.  At this point, he doesn’t dare say anything about Benghazi; short of “I resign.” Anything he says will only inflame the situation.  Which, of course, begs the question… if he did resign, then what?  There would be a hurried meeting of the Democratic Party hierarchy and they would draft Hillary into the Presidential slot with Biden staying on. 

“I never thought our country would sink this low.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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