Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Mitt Romney is surging ahead in many polls and is at least even with Obama in the rest. 

Obama is running around claiming Romney wants to kill Big Bird.  He’s calling Romney a liar and his pal Harry Reid has already called Romney a tax cheat.  Nancy Pelosi is having a sheer hissy.  But, don’t let these tantrums sway you; keep your mind on the economy and foreign affairs and all of the dirty deeds and broken promises.  Think about ObamaCare and the outright sham it is on the American public.  Romney is getting ahead because he doesn’t play those dirty games.  Check out today’s MY AMERICAN OPINION. 

Q. They are looking into illegal donations to the Obama campaign.  Since they, (Obama team),  push the envelope on everything else they do, do you think it’s a possibility?  (Moises ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. In the 2008 campaign, it came out that several hundreds of millions of dollars from “unknown” overseas donors made their way in relatively small donations to the Obama campaign.  There were several extremely large donations as well and Obama was ordered to return them, but had not done so going into Election Day.  Almost immediately after Obama’s inauguration, the Federal Elections Commission announced that it had closed its books on the Obama campaign and the questions were never answered.  Do I think it’s a possibility?  Hell yes.  In his case, where’s there’s smoke there’s always fire. 

Q. I heard that Obama is going to start getting brutal with Romney because Romney is getting a lead on him.  I thought he was already brutal.  He’s called Romney a liar and everything else under the sun already.  (Yoshiko, San Francisco, CA)
A. Hang on; you haven’t seen real gutter politics yet.  Not only does Obama come from Chicago, but he has Harry Reid to provide him with a few dirty tricks as well.  Are you disgusted enough with these dudes to give them the big bird yet? 

Q. California is playing a new game.  When you file your tax return, if they owe you money they lose the return.  I’ve had several friends complain about that.  (Mike ~ Rialto, CA)
A. Funny you should being that up today; I just had to file my paperwork for the third time this year.  This time, I sent it by certified mail, return receipt requested.  Evidently, the post office lost my mail… twice.  Yeah, right.  

I don't believe in gutter politics. I don't believe in gutter journalism.” ~ Maria Shriver


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