Tuesday, October 9, 2012


It now appears that there was a much more substantial security force in Libya prior to the 9/11 attack that killed our ambassador and three hero defenders.  Ambassador Stevens evidently felt even that force was insufficient and requested more security; the existing security detail was subsequently drawn down to a bare-bones staff.  And, contrary to White House insistence, it now appears that top Congressional staffers were told on the day after the attack by one of Hillary Clinton’s senior aides that it appeared the attack was caused by terrorists.  Yet, as long as five days after the attack, Obama and his minions were insisting the matter was a civil disturbance caused by the infamous video. 

Should we have expected anything other than lies and cover-ups?  What I expect, as I said about Fast & Furious when it first came to light, as that this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Q. Again and again, Obama and his goons are saying Romney lied during the debate.  How do they explain that Obama didn’t say anything about it at the time?  (Sunni ~ Monterey Park, CA)
A. Here’s your answer: Obama was so shocked by what he was hearing that he didn’t know how to respond.  Would you like me to pass the Gray Poop-On? 

Q. Now that we’re down the road from the first debate, does Romney still appear to be the winner?  (Mavis ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Analysts are saying that the polls now indicate this was the single biggest impact in debate history.  Yes, Romney emerged much elevated in stature and his speech yesterday about foreign policy seemed to me to be more icing on the cake. 

Q. Some economist is running around saying that Obama has quoted him as having looked at Romney’s tax plan won’t work, but he never said that?”  (Hector – Anderson, CA)
A. Princeton professor Harvey Rosen takes issue with Obama’s assertion that he concluded taxes on the poor and middle classes would go up under Romney’s plan.  Rosen says he found nothing wrong with Romney’s plan and doesn’t know why Obama is misrepresenting that fact in his ads.  Once again, just so everyone understands: whenever Obama says anything about statistics, budgets or economic impact, don’t believe a word you’re hearing.  Am I calling him a liar?  Absolutely not; he just never manages to tell the whole story using the correct mathematical data or assumptions. 

Obama hasn't passed a budget in four years, he's a wuss. Obama has rejected the recommendation of his own Simpson-Bowles, on a budget package, he's a wuss. He wants to lead from behind, he's a wuss!” ~ John Sununu


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