Wednesday, March 27, 2013


American Special Operations Forces and Special Force Troops have been training Syrian rebels in secret camps based in Jordan, according to a FOX NEWS report.  The training program, first reported by the Associated Press, involves classes of about 50 to 60 secular Syrian fighters led by about 100 American trainers, a number that was capped by the Jordanian government. In the meanwhile, Syrian rebels have asked the U.S. to shoot down Syrian aircraft with Patriot missiles in order to protect Syrian control over ground already won. 

I was for our entry into Iraq under Bush 1 and severely upset when we pulled out before finishing the job.  I was for our entry into Afghanistan, but sour on the restraints put in place by Washington; if you’re going to fight a war, fight it to win, because war is hell.  I was for our second entry into Iraq under Bush 2, but will never understand why we kept telling Hussein for months ahead of time that we were coming; that gave him the opportunity to hide, sell or bury offending arms.  That all having been said, and even given the horrible atrocities being perpetrated on the Syrian people by Assad, I believe we should not get involved in Syria.  It’s a Muslin problem, not ours.  If we stick our noses into it, we’re likely to set off a Russia-China backed Islamic holocaust against Israel and the U.S., the likes of which we cannot possibly imagine.  And, you never want to get involved in a war when your own leaders don’t have the slightest idea of how to manage one. 

Q. They awarded a federal government grant to Yale University in the amount of $385,000 to study the particulars of duck penises?  (Enrique ~ Rock Springs, WY)
A. Yes.  Obviously, our government quacks would rather investigate duck penises than to fund five weeks of school kids visiting the White House. 

Q. North Korea is really threatening the U.S. in the last few days, saying they will target Hawaii, Guam and U.S. cities.  Would Kim Jung Un really try to take us on?  (Sandra ~ Kellogg, ID)
A. Desperate people do desperate things.  I don’t believe they have the technological ability to deliver a nuke by missile to U.S. territory yet, but South Korea is right under their noses and they have backed out of the cease fire agreement from the Korean War.  And, there is always the possibility of sneaking across our border with the makings of a nuke and doing the assembly work here.  He is craving for power and we are threatening his hold on North Korean people with our sanctions. 

Q. Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky died in London under mysterious circumstances and there is talk Putin might have been behind it.  Why would he want to kill a former Yeltsin pal who’s been living out of the country for several years?  (Eric ~ Downey, CA)
A. JAPAN TIMES has a good background article on it.  Putin is no nice guy.  He was the ruthless head of their intelligence and the KGB for years.  Berezovsky was making a nuisance out of himself legally. 

“Russia needs a strong state power and must have it. But I am not calling for totalitarianism.” ~ Vladimir Putin


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