Authorities in California are now in pursuit of Gestapo
tactics to determine which legal owners of guns in California can be forced to
disarm under the guise of mental problems; if you took a pill for depression 12
years ago, cling on to your guns because they are coming to get them. In New Jersey, a woman went to a town meeting
to protest a tax assessment on her house, during which she read from the U.S.
Constitution. When she got home, the
police were there to accuse her of threatening to shoot and they confiscated
not only her guns, but her husband’s guns as well; admittedly, no one heard the
threat except the assessor who claims he heard it and no due process took place
in this gun seizure. In California, a
woman was having adverse reactions to medication she was taking and she checked
herself into a mental hospital; once the problem was discovered and corrected,
she went back home with no further complications. The California authorities, however, have
seized her husband’s guns, again without any due process hearings.
The game plan appears to be to go after individual gun
owners one at a time and to use some pretext for seizing their guns. Once they’ve whittled down the numbers, then
the universal gun ban will be put into place.
We need to get proactive on this issue… IMMEDIATELY.
Q. I hear that Obama is ordering the number of Border Patrol
agents be cut due to Sequestration. He’s
being a real jerk. How much are they
cutting ObamaCare? How much are they
cutting his Secret Service detail? (Diane
~ Roy, UT)
A. Surely you jest.
Obama is vindictive as hell; he wants YOU to feel the pain, not him or his pet projects. If you want or expect him to be a fair
American and responsible leader, you must be from another planet.
Q. What’s your opinion on Colorado legalizing gay
marriage? (Lanny ~ Prescott, AZ)
A. Coors must surely have let its brew go rotten. Now, they’ll be the only State without guns,
full of gay and lesbian lovers and sheep.
My guess is they don’t have any churches there, either. Well, it’s their State, so they can do what
they want; that doesn’t mean I have to do business with them.
Q. I see that Obama has relented and decided to let
school-kids tour the White House. Who
did he blame for his dumb move in the first place; Bush or the National
Intelligence agencies? Or did he FINALLY
take the blame himself, where it belongs?
(Agnes ~ Los Altos, CA)
A. He blamed those dastards at the Secret Service.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms
is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
~ Thomas Jefferson
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