Monday, March 18, 2013


Colorado county sheriffs are refusing to enforce the new laws passed by the state legislature last week.  "They’re feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable," Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said.  They give the citizens a “false sense of security,” he added.  El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa told an angry packed crowd on Thursday in he would stand firm against the bills.  He said the proposed laws were hastily crafted and at least one would be unenforceable. Many Colorado sheriffs are concerned the laws could lead to registration of gun owners. 

Please join me in supporting the County Sheriffs of Colorado.  Go to and the contacts page and send them an email.  They’re going to be catching a lot of flak from the governor and from the White House over their stand.  We should not hesitate to let them know we appreciate what they are doing. 

Q. What’s going on with the Syrian Civil War? (Arliss ~ Burns, OR)
A. Assad continues in his ruthless attempt to quash the uprising.  Rebels, having seized some territory, are now trying to set up a provisional government over those territories.  This is likely to really anger Assad and the probability is that he will resort to the deployment of chemical weapons.  If he does so, you have Obama’s assertion that we will retaliate in some way.  In the meanwhile, you have the North Korean situation, the Iranian situation and the Chinese and/or Russian backing of both countries.  Finally, we have a President in office who doesn’t know shit from Shinola about how to deal with these things.  Enjoy your cherry pie alamode. 

Q. The Republicans have pledged $10 million to go after the minority votes.  Is that going to do the trick?  (Gus ~ Danville, CA)
A. Did you hear anything in that announcement that would lead you to believe the Republican hierarchy recognizes that the real substance and power of the party emanates from the membership?  Why didn’t they start this program by inviting leaders of the black and Hispanic communities to the table?  God forbid that those factions might have some answers; still, we have nothing but arrogance and elitism at the top.  Doesn’t anybody in this country remember how to eat humble pie? 

Q. Even Senator Lindsey Graham is now saying the mentally ill need to be prevented from getting their hands on guns.  I support the general concept.  Is there a downside?  (Phil ~ Reno, NV)
A. The downsides are, who is to decide if the person is “mentally ill?”  Who is going to decide at what point mental illness is serious enough to ban gun ownership?  Is there going to be some due process, such as access to judicial determination?  Finally, who is going to prevent the mentally ill from buying or borrowing a gun on the street?  If John Holmes had not been able to buy a gun at the gun store, would he have stolen one or would he have gotten one elsewhere?  Here are no easy answers to gun violence.  Jumping into the fire with both feet without analyzing the root causes is likely to bear no fruit. 

"Any federal law, rule, regulation, or order created or effective on or after January 1, 2013, shall be unenforceable within the borders of Washington if the law, rule, regulation, or order attempts to: (a) Ban or restrict ownership of a semiautomatic firearm or any magazine of a firearm; or (b) Require any firearm, magazine, or other firearm accessory to be registered in any manner." ~ Pending House Bill 1371 in the State of Washington, one of many states considering such legislation. 


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