The IRS is getting ready to levy fees against health insurers which will raise tens of billions of dollars each year; those fees will be passed on to us in the form of increased premiums.
Add to that Obama’s plans to virtually destroy the Medicare prescription
drug program, his proposed $1 trillion in new taxes and everyone can see for
themselves… Obama, contrary to his speeches insisting otherwise, doesn’t give a
damned about the “middle class” or any other American, and he certainly couldn’t
care less about America’s seniors. Maybe
that’s because we old farts are patriotic Americans who despise his socialist-fascist agenda and he needs to get us out
of the way.
Q. I can’t figure this out.
We have Sequester and we have the Pentagon claiming that it is being
decimated by the cuts. Then we have
North Korea threatening a preemptive nuclear strike against the U.S., followed
by the Pentagon announcing that it's expanding a fancy missile defense system for a cost of $1
billion. Where’d they get the money
from? (Kip ~ Lander, WY)
A. Silly boy; they’re getting it from cutting out Obama’s
golf excursions. Obviously, the whole
Sequester thing is smoke and mirrors and as phony as Obama’s latest birth certificate. Does that remark mean I’m a “birther?” No, I’d just like to know why he’s spending
millions of dollars in legal fees to avoid showing his real U.S. Birth
Certificate, that’s all.
Q. You mentioned Fast & Furious the other day. Whatever happened to that story, anyway? (Vittorio ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. Well, Holder refused to turn over records to
Congressional investigators and Obama gave him protection under “Executive
Privilege.” Congress sued and then
Holder offered to negotiate. Now,
Congress is saying that Holder is using the same tricks as Iran… promising
everything, giving nothing and stalling.
In fact, Holder has said that the Contempt of Congress finding against
him doesn’t bother him a bit; he simply doesn’t care.
It’s obvious they are prepared to let the lawsuit work its way through the
courts; when the Supreme Court finally gets to rule, Obama and Holder will both be
out of office.
Q. You mentioned on your MY AMERICAN OPINION
blog that the government is gathering huge amounts of information on citizens
and without court subpoenas. Do you
think anything will be done about it?
(Li ~ Livermore, CA)
A. Believe it or not, a Federal Judge just lambasted the FBI
for demanding that banks, telephone companies and other businesses turn over
confidential customer records on customers.
The businesses were instructed by the FBI that they cannot
tell the customers or anyone else what is going on. U.S. District Judge Susan Illston said those
rules violate the First Amendment and the doctrine of separation of powers and
she ordered the government to stop issuing the secretive letters or enforcing their
gag orders. Finally, we’ve found a
Federal Judge who understands, abides by and enforces our Constitution.
“As the leader of twelve apostles, even Jesus had more
executive experience than Obama.” ~ Ann Coulter
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