Saturday, March 2, 2013


Beretta USA, one of the nation’s largest firearms manufacturers, warned it may consider leaving the state if new and far-reaching gun legislation passes.  Beretta general counsel Jeffrey Reh said of the legislation, which has passed the State Senate, “The possession and use of firearms and printed materials are both protected by the Constitution. Both rights come from the only legislation in U.S. history that was voted on and approved directly by the citizens of our country."  Maryland Governor O’Malley’s bill would, among other things, ban assault rifles, high-capacity magazines, and any new guns with two or more “military-like” features.  Beretta is about to begin producing a new civilian version of a rifle that would be illegal under O’Malley’s bill.

Maryland is one of those several states with oppressive gun laws and high crime rates. 

Q. What did you think of the President’s remarks [yesterday] about the Sequestering kicking in?  (Marcy ~ Newark, CA)
A. Snivel, whine, blubber, sniffle, whimper, creak, wail, lament, plaint… obviously, he didn’t get his way.  Now, let’s put these cuts behind us and start working toward meaningful reform that will cure the deficit and put us on a proper road to cutting the debt, before China sends “the boys” around to collect. 

Q. Why does the Senate continue to refuse to present a valid budget for the government to run by?  (Greta ~ Daly City, CA)
A. Because that'dd the way Obama wants it.  If you have a budget, you have a yardstick to measure your expenses and income by.  Without a budget, you can spend as you wish and no one can wag their finger at you... Unless you run a household, in which case you are soon likely to run out of money to spend, because you can’t make the rest of the neighborhood pay for your follies.  Get the picture?   

Q. I know you’re angry about the criminal illegal aliens being released.  Obama is denying knowing anything about it, as is Janet Napolitano; Holder isn’t talking.  Who do you think made this horrible decision?  (Shannon ~ Butte, MT)
A. No one.  It just morphed itself.  It emanated from some of that ooze that permeates the nation’s capitol, from which all political B.S. occurs.  But, in any other Presidency there would no such decision unless the Chief Executive, Obama, signed off on it.  He knew it, he agreed to it and he’s a psychopathic liar when he says he didn’t know anything about it.  (By the way, that means he’s nuttier than a fruitcake).

“We agree with Simpson and Bowles and others who have looked at this. What's necessary is to stabilize the debt and then work from there. You can't balance the budget in the short term because to do that would be to ratchet down the economy.”  ~ David Axelrod


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