Friday, March 22, 2013


Just one federal agency, the Department of Homeland Security, is purchasing 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and thousands of armored vehicles.  The Department of Justice, the EPA, Social Security Administration and other government agencies are also buying huge amounts of ammo totaling well over 2 billion rounds. One expert reports the ammo purchases are enough to fight a 20-year war or to conduct 100 years of training.  

The government is saying the rounds are necessary to ensure that gun-carrying agents can get in sufficient training every year, but they offer no explanation as to why the amount of ammunition purchased is skyrocketing.  And, why are these purchases occurring while the White House is squawking about Sequestration?  I can think of only two logical reasons for these purchases, (1) to drive up the cost of ammo for the consumer and dry up supplies, and (2) to get ready for a civil war. 


Q. Harry Reid says he will introduce a sweeping requirement for “universal background checks” for all gun purchases in the U.S.  What is your position on that?  (Merv ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. The biggest fear we have is the registration requirement; history shows that a registration requirement always precedes a government confiscation of weapons.  Now, just how long will records of background checks be held and by whom?  In other words, is this another attempt to create a registry of gun owners?  Secondly, what are the parameters for denial of a gun purchase and what provisions will be made for the buyer to appeal an adverse decision?  Finally, there are tens of thousands of thugs on the streets right now with unregistered, unlicensed guns; if law enforcement can’t get those guns off the streets, how are they going to enforce the background check requirement?  Those pious idiots have absolutely no concept of what they are dealing with; for example, how is New York going to enforce a law that a person can have a ten-round magazine, but can only load seven rounds into it?  

Q. Economic indicators are sure looking good right now.  Do you think the worst is over?  (Harvey ~ Stateline, NV)
A. No.  Everything is being propped up with the massive printing of money.  It’s all a sham.  The economy is very fragile right now; it wouldn’t take much to make it tumble really badly. 

Q. What is this horrible news about California changing a tax law and requiring business owners to pay five years’ worth of back taxes as a result?  (Yetty ~ Richmond, CA)
A. A recent court decision nullified part of a tax code, so the California Franchise Tax Board decided to go after people for the last five years and make them pay up.  They’re looking to collect $120 million, plus penalties and interest.  Everyone except Governor Brown is madder than hell. 


“We don't seem to be able to check crime, so why not legalize it and then tax it out of business?” ~ Will Rogers


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