Thursday, March 21, 2013


The father, a NRA certified firearms instructor and firing range safety instructor, took a picture of his 11-year-old son holding a .22 rifle and dressed in camo.  The son has passed a New Jersey required gun safety course.  The picture ended up on Facebook and someone called the authorities, (four law enforcement officers and two social services workers), who promptly showed up at the house and demanded entry, without a warrant.  When the father refused entry, they said unless they were granted entry they would take the family children out of the house and to Child Protective Services.  When asked why they should have access to the house because all guns were in a gun safe, the officers said they wanted to inspect the safe and catalog the weapons contained therein including serial numbers to satisfy themselves that all guns were registered.  They also wanted to assure themselves that no guns were out of the safe where a child might get hands on them.  The father continued to refuse entry and they eventually left.  They have since notified the father that they still want to come and inspect the safe and catalog the contents. 

My first comment is that you do have every right to refuse an officer entry to your home unless he/she has a search warrant or unless a crime has been committed within the home.  I don’t know all of the facts, but it would have been appropriate for the officers to ask if the son had the legal right to hold the gun, (which he does in New Jersey if he is under supervision of an adult), and to inquire about the circumstances of the picture.  That should have satisfied them that everything was on the up and up.  To be demanding entry to the house and gun safe, to want to catalog weapons, to threaten to remove children from the home… all without due cause or a search warrant… amounts to gestapo tactics.  I regret to say that is what we are soon going to be facing across the country if the gun control zealots have their ways. 

Q. TSA now stands accused of forcing a vet to remove his artificial leg before he could board a return flight from Phoenix to San Diego. Is there no end to their stupidity?  (Dan ~ Scottsdale, AZ)
A. I agree with you.  They should be removed and replaced by the Boy Scouts of America.  But, you have to cut them some slack; their boss is Janet Napolitano, certainly not the brightest lamp on the street. 

Q. I was reading that the state of Florida has opened up in allowing citizens to get permits to carry concealed guns and that the crime rate there has dropped dramatically.  Is that the real answer to the gun violence problem?  (Salim ~ Seattle, WA)
A. Well, it seems to be a way to control the urge to use guns in violence, but it still doesn’t deal with the actual sociological and psychological reasons for someone wanting to shoot to kill in the first place.  As long as everyone gets training and has the proper respect for firearms, I’m in favor of more people having at least side-arms and a membership in the NRA. 

Q. I really like this Dr. Ben Carson.  He seems to me like a pure breath of fresh American air.  Will he get into politics?  (Denzel ~ San Pablo, CA)
A. I agree with you.  He has the Democrats all up in arms because they feel he’s the only guy on the horizon who could beat a Hillary ticket.  If he wins, maybe he can perform a few lobotomies in Congress, starting with Reid and Pelosi.  Oh, I forgot; they’ve already had theirs. I surely do hope he runs for office. 

"TSA says they are going to crack down on the invasive pat-downs. In fact, one agent was transferred to another parish." ~ David Letterman


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