Saturday, March 30, 2013



Friday, March 29, 2013


Pond circles have appeared on a small lake near Eden, NY.  There have been several explanations, including rising gases from decaying underwater vegetation, and rising warmer water coming from underwater springs.  These explanations do not account for the fact that all circles are separated and orderly; naturally occurring circles would likely overlap and be of irregular shapes and in some disarray. 

I think it’s time we all got some religion. 

Q. Obama is putting on a full-court-press to tell the Senate they have to pass strong gun control measures.  He’s using tirades, telephone calls, threats… everything in his own basket of weapons to force gun control down our throats.  None of these measures is going to do anything to stop or prevent gun violence.  How do we stop this bullying and stampeding?  (Joan ~ Wharton, TX)
A. Call, Fax, Email your Congressional delegation and give them your support today, this minute.  Do it again tomorrow.  If you’re not a member, join the NRA today.  Be prepared to go and march on Washington if any of this stuff passes.  Remember: It’s not about gun violence; it’s about getting rid of guns. 

Q. A newspaper in Des Moines, Iowa [The Des Moines Register] has published the locations of all schools in the state that do NOT have school security on site.  Now, isn’t that just going to invite trouble?  (Chuck ~ Fairburn, CA)
A. The editor there is now wishing he hadn’t done it.  The real problem here is the subject of responsibility in journalism.  There are many responsibilities including: (1) reporting the news fairly and accurately, (2) keeping opinions on the opinion page, (3) refraining from manufacturing news, (4) avoiding sensationalism.  The paper violated all four of these.  Is there some type of Presidential Medal for that?   

Q. A restaurant in Manassas, Virginia has been refusing service to plain-clothed cops because they were carrying guns.  What’s your take on that?  (Orlando ~ Arroyo Grande, CA)
A. If I was a cop and the restaurant was being robbed, I’d take my sweet old time in getting there.  I keep saying that Obama is pushing this country closer and closer to revolution.  Scary thought, isn’t it? 

“I can smell the sickening stench of an approaching politician from a mile away… up wind.” ~ The Unknown Scribbler


Thursday, March 28, 2013


Gordon Wozniak, a Berkeley City Councilman, is suggesting taxing emails in order to save the Post Office.  "There should be something like a bit tax," he said during a March 5th meeting. "I mean, a bit tax could be a cent per gigabit and they would make, probably, billions of dollars a year." And he suggested a "very tiny tax on email." 

While Berkeley is the birthplace of modern-day left-wing, progressive thinking, the suggestion is certain to catch fire in the Obama Administration and the Democratic Senate where the words “cut spending” are deemed to be frivolous and words from the devil.  Wozniak is probably one of those government officials who enjoy a huge six-figure income, a free car, a lavish office, a guaranteed pension and manicures… all at taxpayer expense.  How about a tax on audacity?   

Q. There are being complaints about the Obamas all taking separate vacations at the taxpayer expense while the country is in financial straits.  Now, there is a backlash by the White House saying that we Americans had better keep the family out of the politics.  What say you?  (Jennifer ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. As long as they are living in MY house and at MY expense, I have a right to say whatever I want about the subject.  If they don’t like it, they can leave. 

Q. I understand O’Reilly made some offensive remark about gay marriage the other night that really ticked off a lot of religious people.  What happened?  (Laura ~ Paradise, AZ)
A. I quit watching O’Reilly a couple of weeks ago due to his totally rude and crude tirade against Alan Colmes, so I have to rely on a report on THE BLAZE. It appears that he remarked something to the effect that opponents of same-sex marriage don’t have a “compelling” argument other than “thumping the Bible.”  So, what he said in essence was, people’s religious beliefs and upbringing don’t matter and have no bearing on how we run our country.  O’Reilly and his ego have lost touch with reality and become a total liability to FOX and deserve the axe.  Maybe he can find a job on MSNBC.     

Q. Hunters are boycotting Colorado over the state’s new radical anti-gun laws.  Do you think other groups will join?  (Marlo ~ Park City, UT)
A. I hope so.  If skiers boycott Aspen, Breckinridge, Vail, Keystone, Steamboat Springs and Telluride, maybe the runs at Park City will benefit.  I’m going quit drinking Coors Beer and I know that will really hurt the Colorado economy. 

“He was a wise man who invented beer.” ~ Plato


Wednesday, March 27, 2013


American Special Operations Forces and Special Force Troops have been training Syrian rebels in secret camps based in Jordan, according to a FOX NEWS report.  The training program, first reported by the Associated Press, involves classes of about 50 to 60 secular Syrian fighters led by about 100 American trainers, a number that was capped by the Jordanian government. In the meanwhile, Syrian rebels have asked the U.S. to shoot down Syrian aircraft with Patriot missiles in order to protect Syrian control over ground already won. 

I was for our entry into Iraq under Bush 1 and severely upset when we pulled out before finishing the job.  I was for our entry into Afghanistan, but sour on the restraints put in place by Washington; if you’re going to fight a war, fight it to win, because war is hell.  I was for our second entry into Iraq under Bush 2, but will never understand why we kept telling Hussein for months ahead of time that we were coming; that gave him the opportunity to hide, sell or bury offending arms.  That all having been said, and even given the horrible atrocities being perpetrated on the Syrian people by Assad, I believe we should not get involved in Syria.  It’s a Muslin problem, not ours.  If we stick our noses into it, we’re likely to set off a Russia-China backed Islamic holocaust against Israel and the U.S., the likes of which we cannot possibly imagine.  And, you never want to get involved in a war when your own leaders don’t have the slightest idea of how to manage one. 

Q. They awarded a federal government grant to Yale University in the amount of $385,000 to study the particulars of duck penises?  (Enrique ~ Rock Springs, WY)
A. Yes.  Obviously, our government quacks would rather investigate duck penises than to fund five weeks of school kids visiting the White House. 

Q. North Korea is really threatening the U.S. in the last few days, saying they will target Hawaii, Guam and U.S. cities.  Would Kim Jung Un really try to take us on?  (Sandra ~ Kellogg, ID)
A. Desperate people do desperate things.  I don’t believe they have the technological ability to deliver a nuke by missile to U.S. territory yet, but South Korea is right under their noses and they have backed out of the cease fire agreement from the Korean War.  And, there is always the possibility of sneaking across our border with the makings of a nuke and doing the assembly work here.  He is craving for power and we are threatening his hold on North Korean people with our sanctions. 

Q. Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky died in London under mysterious circumstances and there is talk Putin might have been behind it.  Why would he want to kill a former Yeltsin pal who’s been living out of the country for several years?  (Eric ~ Downey, CA)
A. JAPAN TIMES has a good background article on it.  Putin is no nice guy.  He was the ruthless head of their intelligence and the KGB for years.  Berezovsky was making a nuisance out of himself legally. 

“Russia needs a strong state power and must have it. But I am not calling for totalitarianism.” ~ Vladimir Putin


Tuesday, March 26, 2013


The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has signed a contract with VF Imagewear to supply uniforms for its agents; the uniforms are made in Mexico, South America and the Middle East. 

I have nothing to say; it’ll take me a week to get my mouth back up off the floor. 

Q. Joe Biden should really be ashamed of himself.  Here, they can’t afford to have White House tours for the kids at a cost of $84,000 a week and will not accept outside donations for that cause, all based on “Sequestration,” (ha, ha we all know better), and now Biden takes a one-day trip to Paris and London at a cost of $1 million?  That really looks like crap to me, and I’m a Democrat.  (Billy ~ Fairfield, CA)
A. Hold on to your britches, Billy.  The $1 million was just for hotel costs, (London $465,000 and Paris $585,000)!  Add to that the cost for sending advance security teams to both cities, jet fuel and crew costs; not to mention food, souvenirs, cigars and booze.  

Q. I was flabbergasted to hear that Starbucks has come out in favor of gay marriage.  What in God’s name is a major corporation doing taking a stand on such a personal matter?  (Kimberley ~ Pittsburg, CA)
A. Their CEO, Howard Schultz, got into it with a stockholder over this very issue; he told the stockholder if he didn’t like it, he should invest his damned money someplace else.  That’s what I love, the top dog of a major corporation telling his stockholders who is in charge of the boat.  His business sense is just about as dumb as it can be, and probably explains why Starbucks has been retreating in the market-place and the stock market.  Have some alum with your coffee, Howard; you deserve it.    

Q. Is there no end to that Bloomberg guy?  Now, he’s saying that in five years there will be cameras everywhere and “we’d better get used to it.”  Who in the hell does he think he is, anyway?  (Chuck ~ Bellingham, WA)
A. As I said yesterday, “He either thinks he’s George Soros or Barack Obama, I’m not sure which.”  The time has come, my friend, where the “silent majority” can remain silent no more. But, you need to know that, if you criticize Michael that means you're an anti-Semitic. 

“People use so much more health care when they live longer.” ~ Michael Bloomberg  (I wonder if he's related to Dr. Kevorkian?)


Monday, March 25, 2013


Although President Obama and former Secretary of State Clinton had reopened negotiations toward having the U.S. participate in a worldwide ban on personal ownership of small arms, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma introduced an amendment to a Bill in the U.S. Senate that will prohibit Obama from signing on to the United Nations small arms rule because it would violate the 2nd Amendment.  It passed by a 53-46 vote. 

Wow.  I hope that sets the tone for how they’re going to vote on gun control measures in the coming weeks and months.  The move surely reassures me about the issue and it’s refreshing to hear. 

Q. Now Mayor Bloomberg is spending $12 million of his own money on an anti-gun campaign.  He’s trying to legislate fat and smoking, too and he’s really getting into people’s private lives where he has no business being.  Who in the hell does he think he is?  I’ve had enough!  (Hossein ~ San Jose, CA)
A. He either thinks he’s George Soros or Barack Obama, I’m not sure which.  Don’t you think it’s time for Americans to stand up to these authoritarian potentates?  He obviously wants to BUY gun control and he thinks we’re dumb enough to go for it. 

Q. Obama would have us think Sequester has dried up every last penny on Earth.  Yet, the government continues to advertise for thousands of job openings.  Do they really think we can’t see it for what it really is?  (Alicia ~ Clear Lake, CA)
A. They’re so used to treating us like we’re dumb that they’re starting to believe it themselves.  It’s amazing the amount of audacity they have.  I think it’s called chutzpah. 

Q. I know that North Korea, Syria and Iran pose serious problems for the U.S.  But, I’m more afraid about what is going on in Mexico with all of those killings going on and wide-open drug wars.  Why don’t we hear more about this issue? (Ellis ~ Ventura, CA)
A. The mainstream media hasn’t picked up on it.  Since Obama apparently wants open borders and amnesty for all illegals in the U.S., news of this nature would run contradictory to the message he wants out there.  As for me, I would not visit Mexico under any circumstance right now.  And we should not be naïve enough to believe that the U.S. won’t be in deep trouble if Mexico erupts in full-scale civil war. On the other hand, we have a secret weapon: Joe Biden and his 12-gauge shotgun.  

“Any Mexican would recognize that Mexico was abused, undervalued and downgraded in international circles, most of all by the United States.” ~ Adolfo Aguilar Zinser