Friday, August 24, 2012


Wayne Allyn Root of Fox News says we are on the very brink. He cites these facts: In 1929 America was not $16 trillion in debt, plus facing over $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. (That’s over $360,000 in debt per citizen.)  In 1929, most of our states were not bankrupt, insolvent and dependent on federal government handouts to survive. (One county (Cook County which includes Chicago, Illinois) now owes over $108 billion in debt (the biggest part of it in unfunded government employee pensions). In 1929, we did not have 21 million government employees with bloated salaries, obscene pensions, and free health care for life. (Today 1 out of 5 federal employees earn over $100,000).  And that’s just for starters; he has a whole gamut of reasons you should read.  Read more:

Too many economists are warning of impending disaster.  Something has to change and it has to start at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

Q. Do you think Drew Peterson will get off his murder charge?  (Jan ~ Anderson, CA)
A. If O.J. Simpson can get off, anybody can get off. 

Q. What will happen if the hurricane hits Tampa and they have to evacuate and cancel the convention? (Mindy ~ Fernley, NV)
A. Making last-minute travel arrangements for that many people would be impossible.  They may have an abbreviated convention, but Romney will get the nomination and Ryan will be his VP nominee regardless.  Besides, all of the blowhards will be heading to Charlotte. 

Q. I see that he Democrat National Congressional Committee has apologized to Sheldon Adelson.  What’s that all about? (Earlene ~ Willows, CA)
A. They had accused Adelson of personally approving of prostitution at his Macau casinos.  The DNCC and the Obama campaign have been doing everything possible to marginalize Adelson because he has pledged $100 million to Republican candidates and to defeat Obama.  The DNCC's retraction called their allegations "unsubstantiated." Using remarkably subdued and apologetic language, it added: "This was wrong. The statements were untrue and unfair and we retract them.”  Awww, shucks.  Do you suppose Obama will call off the IRS agents he has looking into 2001 transactions at Adelson’s Sands Casino in Las Vegas? 

The Great Depression, like most other periods of severe unemployment, was produced by government mismanagement rather than by any inherent instability of the private economy.” ~
Milton Friedman

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