Sunday, August 5, 2012


Military personnel have often been deprived of the right to vote in this country because they were stationed overseas and absentee-ballot rules did not provide enough turn-around time for ballots to be marked, returned and counted.  Many states, Ohio included, have enacted laws that enable early mail-outs of absentee ballots to military personnel.  In a move that could have an impact on the final result of the presidential election, Barack Obama’s campaign has sued Ohio to block a measure which extends early voting for members of the military.   

And you call him your President?  You want him reelected? Get your heads out of your butts!!!

Q. Up until now, I thought Clint Eastwood was a die-hard Obama fan.  Now, he comes out and endorses Romney.  What gives?  (Barney ~ Sepulveda, CA)
A. He woke up one morning and realized that Obama was not best for the country.  I congratulate him for making Romney’s day. 

Q. Obama keeps harping that the economy is growing every month, slowly maybe, but growing.  I sure as hell don’t see that or feel that out here in the workplace.  (Leo ~ Mare Island, CA)
A. As far as I can tell, statistical data released by the Obama Administration has been proven to be wrong about 95% of the time.  This is not an exaggeration.   You simply cannot trust anything he or the White House says and you would be wise to spend some time on the Internet investigating what I have said.  In their case, 2 + 2 = 4….. maybe. 

Q. Drew Peterson keeps harping that his ex-wife was mean-spirited, hateful and difficult for him to get along with.  Will he get off? (Marlena ~ Arlington Heights. IL)  
A. Aren’t those acceptable excuses for murder?  Isn’t this 2012 in liberal America?

Facts are stubborn, but statistics are more pliable.” ~ Mark Twain


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