Friday, August 10, 2012


In an abrupt backhand, President Barack Hussein Obama has slapped Black Americans with a curt I am not “the President of Black America,” in response to complaints from the Black community that he has not done enough for African Americans.  “We were once proud of President Obama, but our pride has turned to shame,” said Rev. William Owens, President of the Coalition of African-American Pastors. 

Obama has alienated and put down virtually every class of people in the U.S. except for Muslims and illegal aliens.  Who is going to be left to vote for him in November? 

Q. I see that James Holmes is going to plead insanity.  How can he do that after he so carefully planned and plotted his shooting spree in Colorado?  (Kelly ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. There has been some information that he is schizophrenic, (that is having two personalities who do not know each other.)  Kind of reminds you of Barry Soetoro and Barack Obama, doesn’t it?  Barack is the guy who promises everything nice and Barry is the guy who does just the opposite. 

Q. Obama says the press has been unfair to him!  I can’t believe the audacity of this imbecile. (Trudy ~ Logan, UT
A. Pay no attention to what he says.  At this point, his nose would have reached Mars long before “Curiosity” if he was named Pinocchio.  Pay attention to what he has done and is doing to this country.  Keep your focus on the things that really matter. 

Q. Obama says the answer to unemployment is to grow government jobs.  If everyone works for the government, who is going to pay taxes?  (Jeremy ~ Redding, CA)
A. You’re right on target.  Obama wants to grow government employment as part of his Marxist-Socialist agenda.  But, all such schemes have failed miserably in other countries in the past.  The fact is, if you have no one producing wealth in this country, then you have no wealth to tax.  Hence, your government collapses, leaving the door open for a fascist dictator to step in.   

Bureaucracy gives birth to itself and then expects maternity benefits.” ~ Dale Dauten

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (If you like the Olympics…)

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