Monday, August 13, 2012


The addition of Paul Ryan to the Republican ticket helps to define Romney as he heads into the final weeks of the election campaign.  According to many political observers, this brings new focus to the main issues of Obama’s failure… the economy, the national debt and deficit, jobs and massive spending. 

Obama cannot win on his record; it’s too dismal.  His only chance is to create distraction away from it, to spin his failures into something else, or to continue to blame Bush four years after the fact.  Ryan’s addition puts a thorn in Obama’s side, a monkey wrench into his campaign strategy.  What needs to happen now is for every God loving, Bible clinging, business building, jobless and/or Black American who has been spat upon and dismissed by this President to stand together, all of us, and usher the worst President this country has ever had out the back door with the garbage. 

Q. So now Obama is going after cigar smokers?  (Milo ~ Lihue, HI)
A. The FDA is starting to apply laws designed to control cigarettes to cigars.  New regulations could close walk-in humidors, cigar and wine tasting events, and back-room poker games.  So, what are you going to give away for the birth of your new son?  How about one of those old “Believe in Me” Obama bumper stickers?   

Q. How do you think people like former New York City Mayor Giuliani, who adamantly felt that Romney would pick Rubio, feel now? (Cassandra ~ Carson City, NV)  
A. I think they are okay with it.  Their reasoning was probably like mine, that the two were essentially equal in what they could bring to the ticket and that Ryan could give Romney more help by staying in Congress.  I am not disappointed in the choice it all.  In fact, if I had my druthers, I’d prefer to see a Ryan/Romney ticket.  But, it is what it is and I can live with it a helluva lot easier than four more years of goombah.    

Q. Are we going to be stuck with ObamaCare?  (Dylan ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. Interesting you should ask that.  The New York Times, of all outlets, is reporting that “a glitch in the language of Obamacare could make the ‘affordable’ health plan unaffordable for millions of American workers.”  Under the plan, millions of children and families would be unable to obtain affordable coverage in the workplace, but also be ineligible for subsidies to buy private insurance in the exchanges to be established in each state.  Every time we turn around, it seems that we find another disaster lurking in the 2,700 pages that Nancy Pelosi says we’ll have to read to find out what’s in it. 

Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle.” ~ George Burns

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Get your black ass out to vote and forget about all of the bad things I’ve done to you…)

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