Sunday, August 12, 2012


Of course, we all know by now that Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan to be his Vice Presidential companion yesterday…  So, it’s R&R for the White House.  Romney was not my pick, for a lot of reasons, but since we’re stuck with him Ryan was a good choice.  I thought Rubio was an equally good choice and that Ryan might do Romney more good if he stayed in Congress, but I’m satisfied.  I do think it does define an argument… Romney has the appearance of being a Mister Clean whereas Obama is definitely dirty and rotten to the core; Ryan seems to be an energetic guy looking after the best economic course for the nation, while Biden is the classic buffoon.  It’s the good guys vs. the bad guys…  Lone Ranger and Tonto vs. Black Bart and Snidely Whiplash. 

Q. What do you think about Romney’s stance that gays should be allowed in the Boy Scouts?  (Diane ~ Ogden, UT)
A. If the Boy Scouts don’t want them, they should not have to admit them; others can choose to join or not.  I feel the same way about restaurants, bars and smoking; if a restaurant wants to allow smoking, it should be able to and it’s your choice as to whether or not you want to eat there.  It’s all about having the freedoms to do things the way we want them done... and the freedom to associate or not associate.  If you can legislate these things, then you can legislate what kind of food you are allowed to cook and eat and what sports you can't play.  And yes, I believe in men's clubs and women's clubs and separate bathrooms for each.   

Q. They keep saying there is no way Obama can win if the economy stays the same as it is.  How can Obama change the economy before election time?  (Leo ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. He can’t and he won’t.  But, he can cover it up by providing false and misleading statistics, he can lie about it by insisting that everything is getting better and he can create diversions to keep people from thinking about it.  In case you haven’t noticed, he’s doing all three.   

Q. I just heard the most tasteless and degrading thing I’ve heard of anyone doing in years.  Mark Bittman is a food critic for the New York Times, and he actually rejoiced over the death of the Vice President of Chick-fil-A.  How low and ugly can you get?  (Sarge ~ Fresno, CA)
A. It’s just another example of the left-wing, liberal mind set.  They will stop at nothing in order to impose their views on you.  Vile, vicious and poisonous words drop off their tongues like vinegar and venom.  I agree with you; I’ve had enough of it.   

I think one of the great problems we have in the Republican Party is that we don't encourage you to be nasty. We encourage you to be neat, obedient, loyal and faithful and all those Boy Scout words, which would be great around a campfire but are lousy in politics.” ~ Newt Gingrich


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