Thursday, August 16, 2012


Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been trying to find out the truth about the Obama birth certificate; he and a crew of top detectives have been digging into the matter for months.  Last month, he held a press conference and displayed his evidence which proves beyond a doubt that the instrument is a forgery.  But, the media turned angry on him and walked out.

Another disturbing element to this story is that every single record of any type that could put further light on the matter has been seized by Obama’s agents and he is refusing to release any of them.  This includes college records, tax returns and other similar documentation.  The fact that the media refuses to conduct investigative reporting on the issue and that Obama has spent millions of dollars in legal fees keeping anyone from getting at these records is indicative of a mass conspiracy that would dwarf Watergate. 

Q. There’s been another horrible shooting, this time in Texas.  Under what conditions would you favor more restrictions on the ability to purchase guns?  (Michelle ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. California does have the stipulation that you can’t get a concealed carry permit if you’ve been taking anti-depressants.  I’d like to see some requirement that you cannot be, or have been, under psychiatric care.  But, you then get into privacy issues and HIPPA.  And, I basically agree with the NRA contention that any restriction could lead to infringement of the 2nd Amendment.  Nevertheless, felons can’t buy guns.  Maybe it could be handled that first-time purchasers have to pass some psychiatric test and provide proof.  It’s a difficult proposition, but I think that most responsible gun owners would agree that we don’t like these shootings any more than anyone else. 

Q. Do you think they can destroy Ryan like they destroyed Palin?   (Louie ~ Auburn, WA)
A. I surely hope not.  But, they are total opposites at the time of their entry into the Vice-Presidential sweepstakes.  Ryan has eight years in Congress in an exceptional performance, as well as an extensive knowledge of the economy and the respect of most of his peers.  Even Democrats respect him.  It’s pretty darned difficult to trash a record like his.  Yes, they’ll try, but I do not see how they can succeed.   

Q. They’re excited about retail sales going up by .8% in July.  But, inflation also went up by .3%.  What’s your conclusion?  (Hon Lu ~ Vancouver, WA)
A. Well, the obvious is that the sales increased partially due to inflation.  We’re dealing in percentages of dollars.  So, a reasonable guess would be that sales actually only went up by .5%, which may as well be nothing in this economy.  Ominously, it is entirely possible that inflation could kick up to 3 or 4 whole percentage points at any time, the way they are printing money and with the rapidly rising costs of fuel. 

"The real concern here is 'stagflation' possibilities as slowing economic growth combines with higher inflation." ~ Tim Biggam


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