Wednesday, August 29, 2012


While Isaac, the supposed spoiler for the Republican National Convention, never made it to Tampa and is now harassing New Orleans, Ann Romney took the stage last night and talked about Mitt, their marriage and the future of America.  And the crowd was delirious with admiration.  Left-wing liberal Democrats across the nation holed up in bars and drank their way to oblivion, surely disgusted to discover that “Witch Ann” is, in fact, the real down-to-earth Mrs. America.   

And, so we begin to unravel the multitude of flagrant lies from the Fourth Reich. Listen closely and pay attention. 

Q. The Navy Seals are putting out a new book about what actually happened in the Bin Laden raid and killing.  I understand the book is already #1 on Amazon’s list, although it won’t be released until September 11th.  Obviously, the Obama Administration is fit to be tied.  Can they do anything to stop it?  (Ivanhoe ~ Seattle, WA)
A. Not legally, unless there are military secrets involved. The rumor was that the Pentagon was going to press charges against the authors and contributors.  Then I heard they might confiscate the books before they get to bookstores.  They certainly would not want to make any moves that might cast a bad shadow over the Democrat Convention and having the resulting bad publicity after the election would surely finish off Obama’s reelection chances.  So, look for the book to come out and for an overt campaign to marginalize the authors and to paint them as traitors.   

Q. We don’t hear much about the Middle East these days, particularly about the governments that folded.  How come?  (Jordan ~ Dinuba, CA)
A. Obama doesn’t want negative news on the airwaves right now.  The fact is that Muslim extremists and Islamic militants are gaining power in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and other countries.  It looks as if the departure of dictators is proving to be a bad idea. 

Q. What role is Sarah Palin playing in the Romney campaign?  (Glendora ~ Mountain View, CA)
A. She’s not expected to be at the convention.  She is out stumping for Romney, but the Romney folks wisely decided that she is still too controversial to be given any prominent roles at this time; the Democrats would have a field day if that were to happen.     

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


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