Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Obama has warned that U.S. forces could move against Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, notably if Assad deploys chemical weapons against rebels trying to overthrow him. 

Coming from Obama, that’s kind of like “pissing in the wind.” 

Q. With all of the fires in the country and the record-breaking heat, how can you deny Al Gore’s theory of global warming?  (Chelsea ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Climatologists can go back hundreds, even thousands of years and they will all tell you that there are ups and downs in temperatures and climate.  This is not to say that fossil fuels and other man-created events are without influence on today’s climate, but I think the impact is being far over-rated, especially given that several of Gore’s buddies have proven to be manipulators of statistical data. 

Q. So, Federal agencies that have ordered enormous amounts of ammo are now saying that it is normal operating procedures for training, etc?  (Simon ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Here’s the problem: the ammo ordered is largely “hollow point” that is geared toward killing.  Training ammo costs far less.  Any of us gun enthusiasts may have a few rounds of hollow point and may shoot it on rare occasion just to keep in touch with the feel.  When we go practice shooting, however, we all use a blunt nosed ammo that gets to the target just as well and costs much less.  Why should some of these agencies be carrying weapons in the first place? 

Q. A recent poll says Americans feel Biden is far less ready to assume the Presidency if necessary than Ryan.  What do you think?  (Ted ~ Susanville, CA)
A. I don’t know how anyone can ever be ready to assume the role of President.  However, if I were to make a judgment, I’d say that Ryan is far more qualified to be President than Obama, Biden or Romney. 

“A knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world's nations toward saving the climate.” ~ Donella Meadows


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