Thursday, August 30, 2012


Not only is Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security evidently a lady’s only club of favoritism, but DHS agents are increasing “on the take” from Mexican drug cartels that want to expand their drug operations in the United States and to smuggle illegal aliens from Mexico and the Middle East into the country.  Nations taking advantage of the corruption and using the cartels to smuggle persons into the country include Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, and Somalia.  DHS employees may also be bribed to leak or sell sensitive law enforcement information to smugglers, and provide them with documents such as immigration papers. 

Every single department under the Obama Administration seems to have serious problems with it.  The garbage truly starts at the top. 

Q. Just how did Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize?  (Donna ~ Shasta City, CA)
A. I presume George Soros bought it for him. 

Q. What do you think Obama will do for a living if he doesn’t win in November?  (Myron ~ Bend, OR)
A. Well, he’s accumulated millions of dollars in wealth.  Maybe he’ll move back to Kenya and share it with his destitute brother, aunt and cousins?  Isn’t that what “sharing the wealth” is all about?  Let me say this… When he loses, he’s gonna have to run like hell so Soros can’t find him. 

Q. Will Condoleeza Rice play a prominent role in Romney’s Administration?  (Ajay ~ Novato, CA)
A. I would be surprised if she doesn’t.  She certainly has an excellent record of service to America. 

I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.” ~ Andrew Jackson


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