Sunday, August 19, 2012


In late July, John Hynansky, a longtime friend of Vice President Joe Biden and a major donor to Biden’s campaigns as well as President Barack Obama’s, was awarded a $20 million taxpayer loan to build a foreign-car dealership in Ukraine. 

Shades of Solyndra which got well over $500 million in government backed loans not long after their executives made substantial contributions to Obama.  This is political corruption, pure and simple.  It’s illegal as hell, but Eric Holder is the Attorney General and you know what that means.  Haven’t you had enough of these Chicago-style thugs yet? 

Q. The Democrats are going after Navy Seals who are complaining about the leaks of intelligence information from the White House.  They’re calling them chicken and all kinds of names, advising them to go home and collect their benefits.  To me, this is far worse than the remarks about businessmen not building their own business.  When is America going to wake up and chase these hate mongers out of the country?  (Leonora ~ Yreka, CA)
A. I think the country is starting to wake up.  We gave allowed ourselves to become surrounded by third-world bigots.  Now, we have to do something about it. 

Q. The Family Research Council’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. is claiming that the shooting there was the result of the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center stoking the flames by labeling the conservative Christian organization as a hate group.  Do you think there is going to be more violence before, and even after the November elections?  (Jon ~ Elk Grove Village, CA)
 A. Yes.  They want the conservatives and the Republicans to be afraid to go to the polls.  That’s intimidation in the first degree.  And, if Obama loses, I look for nationwide riots fostered by the S.E.I.U. and Black Panthers. 

Q. I think it’s a great technological marvel that we have another rover on Mars and it’s sending back pictures and data to us.  Why hasn’t Obama claimed this as a victory for himself?  (Carmella ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. He’s too busy going after Romney’s tax returns.   

Some people think that our planet is suffering from a fever. Now scientists are telling us that Mars is experiencing its own planetary warming: Martian warming. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists.” ~ Fred Thompson


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