Thursday, August 9, 2012


Russia has committed to build a new strategic bomber and a new pilotless bomber while the U.S. is cutting its military spending under the Obama regime. 

Are you surprised that Obama is turning a blind eye toward the buildup of Russian military supremacy?  Don’t you wish you knew what Obama whispered into Putin’s ear the last time they met?  Wasn’t it something about “I can’t help you now, but wait until after the election?” 

Q. How can Romney compare California’s economy to that of Greece?  (Pillar ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. California’s economy on its own is the 8th largest among nations.  It has been overspending for decades and committing to massive entitlements that are now coming due.  Increasing taxes among businesses and individuals alike has forced a mass exodus from the state, thereby reducing the tax base and compounding the problem.  The legislature is not in the mood to cut spending, so the only alternative is to raise taxes again and the public does not seem to be in the mood to allow it.  If a new tax referendum fails in November, the state faces certain bankruptcy unless massive layoffs and benefit reductions occur.  Three major cities in California have already filed for bankruptcy. 

Q. There are several ongoing attempts to introduce Sharia law into the United States' legal system. Sharia law is repugnant to everything we believe in, but Obama has not taken a stand against it.  Why?  (Federico ~ National City, CA) 
A. Obama doesn’t want to offend Islamists in the U.S. and, as we know, has stated openly that when push comes to shove, he will stand with Islam before he will stand with the United States.  That’s a fact; check it out.   

Q. I’m concerned about data security breaches, particularly when it comes to my medical records.  Do I have anything to worry about?  (Sasha ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. Over the past three years, about 21 million patients have had their medical records exposed in data security breaches that were big enough to require they be reported to the federal government, according to the Office for Civil Rights.  I would list the medical firms involved, but I don’t have enough space on this blog. Checkout 

All creative people should be required to leave California for three months every year.” ~ Gloria Swanson


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