Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Fox News has uncovered at least 77 General Services Administration conferences involving lavish and wild spending, as well as healthy cash bonuses to participants. In one 2010 Crystal City, Virginia conference, more than 3,700 employees received bonuses averaging about $1,000 apiece.  The cost to taxpayers for that expense alone was $3.6 million.  Read more:

The inquiry has resulted in information that many conferences provided no accounting for their expenses.  This reminds me of the Department of Interior “losing” the accounting for thousands of individual money accounts held in trust for Native Americans.  It also goes along with the Pentagon response to a suggestion that it be audited: “We’re too big to be audited.”  The time has come, my friends.  We have to get rid of the people in Washington who are doing these things to us as well as those who allow it to happen.  And our President, who himself should be setting a good example for the rest of government to follow, obviously is not.  Unfortunately, there are no more undiscovered Americas for us to flee to from a government gone astray; we're going to have to take a stand, look them square in the eyes and demand accountability to the people.  

Q. I got some notice in my email about a class action lawsuit against Netflix.  I’m not sure what it means?  (Sly ~ Susanville, CA)
A. It should really be “Third strike and you’re out,” for Netflix. First their totally outrageous pricing increase, followed by an attempt to drop part of their service.  Now, it appears that they were gathering information about what movies their individual customers were watching and how often, and selling that information.  They’ve evidently admitted to that, but say there is nothing wrong about the practice.  Gosh; I wonder who knows what we’ve been watching?  And, why didn’t they disclose that fact to us?  The lawsuit seeks $9 million in damages to be paid to various yet-to-be-named charities. 

Q. Since the Supreme Court ruled that ObamaCare is legal, why don’t we just live with it?  (Eugena ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. We all agree that what we had before ObamaCare was bad for the country.  What we have after ObamaCare is far, far worse.  There is a multitude of horrible legislation contained in that 2,700 page document.  Now, the Congressional Budget Office not only says the cost to the American tax payer will far exceed prior expectations, but the number of uninsured persons in the U.S. will actually go up.  What I would like to see is an independent evaluation of the effects of ObamaCare and its myriad of provisions, but I’ve yet to find anyone who has been able to finish reading the 2,700 pages who has not been committed to an insane asylum, with the exception, perhaps, of Nancy Pelosi.   

Q. A Judge in Colorado ruled that a business there, owned by a Catholic family, does not have to provide free contraceptives for its employees. Will that fact negate that portion of ObamaCare and Kathleen Sibelius’ insistence that all businesses need to comply, whether they like it or not? (Janice ~ Kellogg, ID)   
A. The ruling only affects this plaintiff but opens the door for any company to seek relief on religious grounds.  Plus, it’s highly probable that the Federal Government will appeal this particular ruling all of the way to the Supreme Court.  Obama, our self-appointed national deity, evidently feels that his edicts trump God’s.   

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” ~ Ronald Reagan


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