Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Newt Gingrich is complaining that the vast amounts of money Romney is spending on “dirty” attack ads against him and Rick Santorum are hurting the Republican Party.  "I challenge Gov. Romney and his super PAC to pledge to take every negative ad about every Republican off the air, because it dishonors them, it weakens the Republican Party, and it helps Barack Obama," Gingrich told a cheering outdoor crowd of more than 200 in Covington, VA.

Gingrich is correct.  And once again I say, when you don’t have enough attributes to run on, that’s when you run dirty.  Romney should be able to demonstrate that he is better than Gingrich or Santorum based on his abilities, his history, his knowledge and appeal to Americans.  If he can’t do that, he should get out of the race.  Maybe that’s why he can’t get over 45% of the primary vote? 

Q. An Internet download tax looms in Connecticut.  Is this the sign of things to come?  (Kendra ~ Scottsdale, AZ)
A. States are running out of money and citizens are fighting more taxes at a time when the economy is horrible.  So, the states are looking to tax anything and everything that will bring in a dime to their coffers.  Now then, if I’m a Connecticut resident with my laptop in Arizona, what is the legal basis for Connecticut charging me a tax on my download of music or video?  But, don’t forget that Norwalk, Connecticut is where they took property by eminent domain to give to a developer for the purpose of building a shopping center, and then added insult to injury when the center never got built. 

Q. I heard that the U.S. Government plans to snoop on everybody on the Internet.  Is that true?  (Gordy ~ Dayton, NV)
A. The National Security Agency is spending $2 billion to build a data interception center in Utah that will be five times larger than the capitol and used for intercepting online data.  Now, just what do you think they are going to do with that information?  And, since Obama now has the authority to do anything he wants with the Internet, he’s not going to be asking for search warrants, either.   

Q. I know that Romney continues to run low in the polls and voting booths.  How does he stand from a historical perspective?  (Kelley ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. “Since 1976, no serious contender, Democrat or Republican, has watched his favorable ratings fall as low as Romney’s have in recent months. Or watched his unfavorable ratings climb as high. Or watched his overall numbers stay underwater — that is, more unfavorable than favorable — for so long,” according to the Daily Beast.  “At this rate, Romney is shaping up to be the most unpopular [likely] presidential nominee on record.”  And that, in short, is why Obama and his goons are doing everything they can to make Romney the GOP nominee. 

“And, with much of Europe occupied by Nazi Germany, and Mussolini's armies in Albania, on the Greek frontier, one wasn't sure what came next. So, don't trust the telephone. Or the newspapers. Or the radio. Or tomorrow.” ~ Alan Furst, Spies of the Balkans


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