Monday, March 5, 2012


BP (British Petroleum) has agreed to pay an estimated $7.8 billion to victims of the disastrous 2010 gulf oil spill.  Plaintiffs’ lawyers said BP has agreed to pay all legitimate claims, and that the figure BP gave is an estimate only.  

This is peanuts; they make that much in profit every quarter.  With the price of gas going up as fast as it is, you have to think they want to pay for the whole damned bill out of next week’s profits.  Besides, $2.3 billion goes to the fishing industry, leaving $5.5 billion for individual claimants and I’m going to guess the legal fees were about... $5.5 billion.  My second concern is the word “legitimate.”  Who decides?  And what about all of that oil that is still under the surface out there in the gulf someplace in a big glob?  Frankly, I smell a really dead fish. 

Q. Putin claimed victory in Russia and there was a rising outcry of fraud.  What do you think will happen?  (Clyde ~ Sedona, AZ)
A. There’s going to be a lot of disappearing Russians.  Does it bother you that this is the direction we are headed in? 

Q. Just as a follow-up, whatever has happened to the story about the Air Force sending body parts from returning dead soldiers off to the dump?  (Bret ~ Sand Point, ID)
A. Among other things, investigators found that the guy in charge ordered an embalmer to saw off the arm bone of a Marine Sergeant so they could fit him in his dress uniform into a casket.  The guy in charge has since resigned, but I wonder how many others were party to this ugly mess.  It has come out that Quinton “Randy” Keel, the guy who was in charge, retaliated against whistle blowers during the investigation.  But, someone else says they don’t think he did any of these things deliberately.  Yeah, right.   

Q.  It seems to me a lot of Congressional Members are announcing they won’t run again.  What’s up?  (Lester ~ Manhattan, CA)
A. They decided to leave before they get thrown out in disgrace in November.  The rest of Congress would be wise to follow the lead.   

“A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.” ~ Benjamin Franklin


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