Thursday, March 1, 2012


They asked Energy Secretary Steven Chu if the goal of the Administration was to get gas prices down.  His answer?  "No, the overall goal is to decrease our dependency on oil, to build and strengthen our economy." In 2008, Chu said, "Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe."

As a cabinet-level secretary, Chu speaks for Obama. 

Q. I saw an article that Israel will not warn the United States if it decides to attack Iranian nuclear facilities. Then, how can they consider themselves to be friends of us?  (Carla ~ Victorville, CA)
A. Their considerations would be security.  If they tell us, who will leak the info to Iran?  Frankly, Obama himself would probably pick up the phone and call the Ayatollah.  Secondly, Obama has created a rift between us and Israel and the longtime friendship between the two nations is, at best, strained. 

Q. I understand that a woman in Texas was shot by Mexicans.  Can you elaborate?  (Leonard ~ Dixie, UT)
A. The woman was struck by bullets that flew across the border from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The woman was struck at the same time Juarez police were battling carjackers a few hundred feet from the U.S.-Mexico border.  My answer to the deteriorating situation down there?  Don’t even think about going to Mexico to drink the water. 

Q. I am so relieved to hear that North Korea is going to stop its nuclear weapons program. Obama’s administration is making some really great progress lately. (Maureen ~ Santa Rosa, CA)  
A. If you believe for one minute that North Korea is going to stop its program, I have ten acres of land in the Florida Everglades I’d like to sell you… cheap.  This is all total baloney and designed only to give them more time to accomplish what their agenda is.  They, like Iran, have engaged in lies and subterfuge on a regular basis in an effort to get nukes in their weapons arsenal; they’re not going to stop now for anything.  Well, on the other hand, they might stop for a large group of Vegas strippers doing a line dance, but only for an hour or so. 

“The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.” ~ Albert Einstein


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