Saturday, March 10, 2012


A recent Fox News Poll shows that half of potential Latino voters find the words “illegal immigrant” to be offensive.  “Calling people illegal or an illegal immigrant has become normalized even though it’s a term that’s inaccurate, it’s dehumanizing and it’s politically charged,” said Mónica Novoa, coordinator of the Drop the I-Word public campaign. “It’s anti-immigrant, anti-Latino language that’s harmful.”

I’ve got some more colorful language I could use in talking about illegal immigrants.  The fact that we’re even considering what they have to say is disturbing to me.  They’re committing a crime against the United States and we’re giving them a soapbox to stand on? 

Q. I can’t believe that the Senate refused to pass a measure to okay the Keystone Oil Pipeline Project.  Don’t they realize how many jobs this is going to create, how much it will help to reduce our dependency on Middle East Oil and how it will help to stabilize energy prices?  (Paul ~ San Dimas, CA)
A. Those in the Senate who voted against it are firmly under the control of Barack Hussein Obama; they are in fear of his retribution.  Mitch O’Connell says Obama has “lost touch” on the issue, but he has total control and knowledge of what he is doing, cramming higher gas costs down our throats.  Wait until he gets reelected if you think he’s bad now. 

Q. There’s a video tape recently surfaced that shows many of Obama’s radical beliefs when he was at Harvard.  Why didn’t this come out in 2008?  Will it hurt him this time around?  (Chip ~ Yreka, CA)
A. It didn’t surface before because the Harvard professor who made it didn’t want to hurt Obama’s chances; he’s evidently since had a change of heart.  I don’t know what effect it will have on him this time around; most of the people who believe in him appear to have been brainwashed, and I totally mean that.  Someone needs to whack them over the head with a 2 by 4.   

Q. So, they’re bailing out Greece again.  Will it finally work this time?  (Mindy ~ Yerington, NV)
A. With world-wide escalating oil prices, I don’t think it stands a chance.  The Greeks got themselves into a corner, but there appears to be room in that corner for us as well.   

“The way things are going, we are not too far from the day when it will take an hour's labor just to pay for the gasoline to get to the job.” ~ Sherwood Boehlert


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