Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Barack has been taking a beating over his flat refusal to allow the construction of the Keystone Pipeline.  He’s been suffering relentless bad press and plummeting ratings in the polls.  Now, he’s announced that he will “fast track” the “review” of the southern portion of the pipeline. 

Isn’t that sweet of Barry to do that?  You can bet your sweet bippees that we are going to end up after the November election with a pipeline that goes from Texas through Oklahoma and stops. 

Q. Now that Romney has won in Illinois, and with 52% of the vote at that, should Gingrich and Santorum finally get out?  (Mattie ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. Here’s the issue as I see it… If you like Romney, and 45% to 55% of Republicans don’t, then they should get out.  If you don’t really like any of the candidates, however, then they should stay in and force a brokered convention and maybe, just maybe, the Party will finally cough up the name of someone that we can all get behind and support with vigor. 

Q. Newt Gingrich is angry with something actor Robert DeNiro said.  What was it?  (Samantha ~ Lacey, WA)
A.Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?" Hollywood class knows no bounds…

Q. You recently wrote in MY AMERICAN OPINION about an Indian tribe in Washington State being ripped off by Internet fraud.  Do you think our Internet is vulnerable to a cyber-attack from another nation?  (DeWayne ~ Redding, CA)
A. In recent years, a wave of highly sophisticated computer viruses and cyber-attacks has created new security threats that policymakers and analysts are just beginning to understand. The greatest concern is that the United States will be suddenly struck by a “cyber Pearl Harbor”—an event that could shut down or destroy significant parts of the nation’s digital-based infrastructure.  For starters, if we lose our Internet, how can we get our money out of the bank? 

“I think Hollywood has a class system. The actors are like the inmates, but the truth is they're running the asylum.” ~ Robert De Niro


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