Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The U.S. has said that it may try the soldier accused of killing 16 Afghans over the weekend.  The Afghanis want their own justice. 

Given the fact that we have announced our withdrawal from Afghanistan, given the burning of the Koran, given our repeated lies and spins, who can blame them?  If I were in their shoes, I’d be madder than hell, too.  And, Obama apologizes and thinks that should be the end of it? 

Q. Why did Fox fire Judge Anthony Napolitano?  He was so good and a true American.  I know his show was popular.  (LeeAnn ~ Hesperia, CA)
A. Yes, like Glenn Beck, he was very popular.  However, Obama and George Soros both wanted Beck and Napolitano silenced.  For fear of retribution, Fox chose to do what they were being ordered to do as opposed to standing up and being a truly independent news source.  Beck was forced out at contract renewal time and Napolitano was unceremoniously fired.  Once again, Obama is controlling all media news; just pay close attention and you will see that O’Reilly, Hannity and Van Susteren have all softened their criticisms of Obama.  Now, you can’t even trust what Fox says.  I can only hope that Napolitano emerges in a new venue soon.  This is the dumbest move Fox has made since parting company with America’s Most Wanted, a show that helped build Fox into the giant that it is. 

Q. What’s the latest skinny on Obama’s birth place?  (Sonny ~ Richmond, CA)
A. A special task force went to Kenya to see if they could find evidence that Obama was actually born there.  What they found was that all records that would prove or disprove the claim are mysteriously missing. 

Q. Why aren’t the Iranian sanctions working?  Is it because China and Russia are ignoring them?   (Claudette ~ Yuba City, CA)
A. Of course, they have a great deal to do with it.  But, Islamic nations, Pakistan in particular, are now apparently aligning themselves with Iran.  Obama’s understanding of the situation and his methods of dealing with it really suck, don’t they?

“Half a truth is often a great lie.” ~ Benjamin Franklin


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