Tuesday, March 6, 2012


The United States is giving illegal Mexicans up to $1,000 per child as a tax break, even if it means they get cash back.  This appears to provide an addition incentive for illegals to cross the border. 

Attorney General Holder has no plans to crack down on this practice.  Senator Harry Reid says that to end the practice would harm children and innocent mothers.  HAVE WE GONE STARK RAVING MAD?

Q. In his last two visits to Washington, Benjamin Netanyahu was shabbily mistreated by Obama.  Now, Obama is really kissing up to him.  What gives?  (Lynetta ~ Tulare, CA)
A. Obama is afraid of November, and he knows he has ticked off the Catholics, the Jews, the Protestants… every religious demographic except the Muslims.  So, he figures it’s time to let us cling on to our guns and religion until after he wins reelection and he’s trying to make things with Israel look prettier than they are.  Mr. Netanyahu, however, is by no means as dumb as he looks and I hope he extracts some real blood from our esteemed monarch. 

Q. It looks like Rush Limbaugh has thoroughly stuck his foot in his mouth.  Is he toast?  (Cyril ~ Hamilton, CA)
A. He should pull in his horns for a while, but he won’t.  And his loyal listeners will forgive him.  He did call her a “slut” and “prostitute” after she testified in Congress that you and I should pay for her birth control while, as an unmarried student she goes to law school.  She is totally wrong and off base; insurance companies should then pay for my Cialis as well.  Hell, why don’t they operate make and female brothels at taxpayer expense so we don’t have to spend our hard earned money looking for sex?   As far as his verbiage goes, I disagree with the words but totally agree with the sentiment and substance of his remarks. 

Q. Ron Paul is against a policy of assassinating our enemies overseas.  I say better over there then having them raise hell on our own soil.  What do you think?  (Del ~ Kingman, AZ)
A. Once you make the leap of justification for murdering people without formal charges and a trial overseas, it is but a short jump to justify the killing of dissidents and political enemies at home... without formal charges and a trial.  Play me some German marching music there, Otis.     

“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.” ~ Adolf Hitler


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