Sunday, March 25, 2012


LIGNET is reporting that once powerful leaders have been purged in the Chinese hierarchy in the greatest political turmoil China has suffered since the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.  Sharp divisions in China are emerging about its future economic and political trajectory. 

There seems to be political turmoil all over the world, including the U.S.  Our country is a tinderbox in and of itself.  Obama has divided us in so many ways and turned us into angry and frustrated members of various factions.  In China, there is almost no chance that dissidents will ever be able to bring positive change to the country; with Obama and his cronies running unchallenged roughshod over our Constitution, we’re headed in the same direction.   

Q. Why does Dick Cheney, of all people, get a heart transplant?  He’s done so much disservice to this country that I just wish he’d wither up and die.  (Georgia ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. How insensitive and self-serving can you get?  Take your spiteful, nasty attitude and absent yourself from my blog. You are certainly typical of the mean-spirited, left-wing Pelosi Democrats in San Francisco.  Why don’t you go back to your roots, as if you have any?  You do not belong in this country; you belong in hell. 

Q. Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona is on a crusade against Obama.  Now, he wants the Selective Service to produce a copy of Obama’s registration documents.  In the meanwhile, there is a story floating around the Internet with copies of a supposed birth certificate issued in Kenya.  Do you think he’s not a citizen?  (Barry ~ Falls Church, VA)
A. He has yet to produce a valid birth certificate, despite stories that he attended college here as a foreign student.  Any legitimate American would be unafraid to provide proof of citizenship. 

Q. The Supreme Court is now about to hear the ObamaCare case.  What do you think will happen?  (Helen ~ Susanville, CA)
A. I think it will be struck down, and it may be unanimous.  The Constitutional issues are quite well defined.  Contrary to predictions, I don’t think the decision will make any difference politically; diehard Obama supporters will crucify the Court.  If Americans don’t have their eyes open to the failures of Obama now, they never will. 

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” ~ Lord Byron


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