Sunday, March 11, 2012


President Obama is taking British Prime Minister David Cameron to see the opening games in the NCAA Basketball Finals. 

And who is paying for the gas for this junket and at today’s prices?  Why can’t they go by horse and buggy? 

Q. I heard Japan is unloading its nuclear waste on us.  What gives?  (Kimberly ~ Carson, CA)
A. You didn’t hear it right.  In Japan about a year ago, there was an earthquake, followed by a huge tsunami and then followed by nuclear plant disasters.  The debris sucked back out to sea by the tsunami has been floating around in the Pacific and is now headed for Hawaii and the West Coast of the U.S. 

Q. The employees of the Federal government owe $1 billion in back taxes?  (Hart ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. Well, kind of.  If you add all Federal paycheck recipients, such as the military and government retirees, the amount is closer to $3.4 billion.  In the White House alone, they owe $833,970 in back taxes.  Don’t ask me about Obama himself; I don’t know the answer to that one.   

Q. I think the TSA needs to be abolished and restarted.  They are groping and fondling kids and seniors while rag-heads walk right on to the planes.  Their excuses for some of the atrocious things they do are so lame.  (Francine ~ Palmdale, CA)
A. You’d better be careful who you mouth off to.  Those guys are all union members, you know; Eric Holder might throw your fanny in the clink.   But, I tend to agree with your assessment. 

“All pro sports, as well as the NCAA, should thank God every day we have sports betting here... We have the only agency in the world that regulates the honesty of games. ~ Meyer Lansky


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