Saturday, March 31, 2012


News is out that the U.S. Government has been leaking classified information about Israel, where Israel might launch attacks against Iran, the locations of Israeli bases and other secrets.  The contention is that the Iranians would be able to thwart any attack by Israel against their nuclear weapons program.  

If this isn’t a classic Obama operation, what is?  What kind of a despot would do this? 

Q. What do you think about the right of the government to shut down cell phones “in case of an emergency?”  (Vicki ~ Lincoln, NE)
A. Obama glommed onto this right for himself months ago and you heard about it here.  This tactic was used very effectively by Middle Eastern dictators during riots just before they were deposed.  It’s a violation of free speech, the rights of Americans to communicate with each other, and it in and of itself is a safety issue because, you see a fire or a terrorist or a murder… you can’t communicate that fact to emergency officials. 

Q. Given the fact that it is the job of the U.S. Senate to pass budgets, and given the fact that they have failed to do so for three years, why are they still in office?  (Hortencia ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. Good question.  You can solve that problem in November.   If you're not registered to vote, do it now. 

Q. So consumer spending is up?  Isn’t that a good sign?  (Art ~ Redding, CA)
A. Prices are up, too.  If it costs you $1.00 more for a gallon of gas, isn’t your consumer spending automatically going to go up, without your changing your buying habits?  Grocery prices are up, gas prices… even brothels are charging more; that's why consumer spending is up.   

“One of the first rules of science is if somebody delivers a secret weapon to you, you better use it.” ~ Herbert Simon


Friday, March 30, 2012


Marco Rubio and George H.W. Bush have come forth and endorsed Romney for the Republican nomination. 

I was never enthralled with Bush and was glad to see him lose for a 2nd term.  Come on, let’s face it; the Republican hierarchy is bound and determined to have a liberal on the ticket. 

Q. Obama is bellyaching about all of the money the oil companies are raking in.  What’s your response?  (Warren ~ Redding, CA)
A. They are indeed raking in too many billions.  But, if you cut the subsidies, they are just going to raise prices to make up for it.  That’s the last thing we need.  What we need to do is to take them over, nationalize them and take their profits into the U.S. Treasury.  Then, we can go after the health insurance industry and the banks.  Pretty soon, we’ll have total socialism.  Or, we could just quit buying as much of their damned gas. 

Q. I know it is somewhat unsafe to do banking transactions on the computer.  What about Smart Phones?  (Angie ~ Salem, OR)
A. They are even worse.  Once you start the online banking transactions from your phones, what happens when you lose the phones?  They have all of that information in them.  Yes, it can be recovered.  Cell phones and computers are giving people a false sense of security. 

Q. Seattle has joined the Federal government against Arizona’s tough immigration law.  How do you feel about this?  (Glendora ~ Mesa, AZ)
A. Where does Seattle get off telling Arizona how to run its State?  Or has Seattle defected from the State of Washington and joined the State of Arizona? Why don’t they just keep their noses out of everyone else’s business?  Oh, I forgot; they’re entitled to tell other people what to do because… they’re Democrats. 

“When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses.” ~ Shirley Chisholm


Thursday, March 29, 2012


Congress is now asking the White House to make available for testimony one Kevin O’Reilly, a former National Security adviser, for testimony on Fast and Furious.  The panel; seeks to find out just how high up the White House ladder involvement with the gun running scandal really goes.  The White House has indicated that it may invoke the rule of Executive Privilege in the matter.   

Well, this is obvious: If the White House was not involved in Fast and Furious, why would they consider invoking Executive Privilege?  Maybe they should subpoena Rahm Emmanuel? 

Q. How do you feel about Jane Fonda playing Nancy Reagan in a forthcoming movie?  (Jan ~ Redding, CA)
A. How would you feel about Charles Manson playing the Pope? 

Q. You were right with respect to the rapid increase in gas prices.  Now, how will it affect the national economy?  (Lindsey ~ Goleta, CA)
A. Give it about two more weeks before the bottom falls out again.  When the price of bread rises above 5 cents a loaf, we’re in deep trouble.   

Q. What do you suppose Obama was meaning when he made that remark to Putin on an open mike?  (Doreen ~ Mesquite, NV)
A. “As soon as the election is over, I’ll invite you over for a beer in the Rose Garden.” Better yet, “As soon as the election is over, I’ll put your name in for a Nobel Peace Prize.”

“Telling lies and showing off to get attention are mistakes I made that I don't want my kids to make.” ~ Jane Fonda


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Mitt Romney has purchased a new pad in La Jolla, California.  It’ll have 3,600 feet of underground living space, elevators for four of his cars, and hot and cold running water.  He also has mansions in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. 

Yes, he’s obviously a real, down-to-earth middle income American.  Wasn’t it him who said, “I'm not concerned about the very poor?”  And he pays 15% in income taxes, while I live in a modest cottage, don’t have any elevators, and pay 21%?  Gosh, I’m soooo enthralled.  He's going to make such a great President...

Q. I see that German workers are on strike for higher wages.  With the world’s economy in the horrible shape that it is, aren’t they lucky just to have a job?  (Bellamy ~ Malibu, CA)
A. Yes, it seems that the short-sightedness among union workers is universal, doesn’t it?  Employers don’t really need much pushing to simply shut down operations and walk away. 

Q. How are the Health Care hearings going in the Supreme Court?  (Ledora ~ Durango, CO)
A. That depends on whose side you’re on.  I do need to say that while the oral arguments are not going in Obama’s favor, the Court will be looking more to the Constitutional argument than the flamboyant mistakes of, say, Donald Verilli Jr, Obama’s Solicitor General.  When asked why the government can’t force Americans to buy broccoli or burial insurance if they are required to buy health insurance, Verilli broke into a cold sweat, gulped down a glass of water and started stumbling over words.  Please pass the gray poop on.    

Q. What do you think the Pope had to say to Raul Castro?  (Tonya ~ Pahrump, NV)  
A. “How’s Fidel?”

“Above all, we shall wage no more unilateral, ill-planned, ill-considered, and ill-prepared invasions of foreign countries that pose no actual threat to our security.” ~ Theodore C. Sorensen


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


The Supreme Court is hearing the ObamaCare case and something not picked up by the liberal press has occurred that could signal what is coming in June’s decision.  The argument was put forth that the case should not be heard at all by the Court because an obscure 1867 law prevented such cases from moving forward when they involved tax increases.  Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg commented, in response to the argument, "This is not a revenue-raising measure, because, if it's successful, they won't -- nobody will pay the penalty and there will be no revenue to raise."  

Could it be that the Court has had its fill of Obama’s flaunting of the Constitution on all fronts? 

Q. Why is Obama off on another junket?  (Leonard ~ Alta Loma, CA)
A. He wanted to be out of the country while the Supreme Court heard the ObamaCare case.  And, he’s hoping the press coverage of his trip will detract from the coverage of the Court. 

Q. Assuming the Supreme Court rules against ObamaCare, how do you think Obama will react?  (LeeAnn ~ Concord, CA)
A. If history is any indication, he will simply issue an Executive Order to get around the Supreme Court decision.  That’s how he deals with a Congressional decision he doesn’t like.   

Q. A story is leaking out that Romney relied on the late Ted Kennedy to help him pass Romney Care.  Is that true?  (Bo ~ Jackson Hole, WY)
A. He frequently referred to Kennedy as “my collaborator and friend.”  Ooooo, kissy-kissy, huggy-huggy. 

“When the Supreme Court moved to Washington in 1800, it was provided with no books, which probably accounts for the high quality of early opinions.” ~ Robert Jackson


Monday, March 26, 2012


President Obama has asked China to use its influence to stop North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.  "I believe that China is very sincere that it does not want to see North Korea with a nuclear weapon," he said.  "But it is going to have to act on that interest in a sustained way."

Gosh, and if they don’t?  I suppose we’ll get even with them by not borrowing any more money?  This could be a blessing for America in disguise!  Yeah, maybe the North Koreans can make Obama quit spending! Talk about whistling in the wind….

Q. The U.S. has paid out $50,000 per victim in the Afghan shooting spree.  What do you think about that?  (Manny~ Walnut Creek, CA)
A. So, that’s how they value a life… three years’ worth of income taxes?  They should be ashamed of themselves.  If they killed my son and offered me $50,000, I’d be after them with an AK-47.  That just underscores my contention that they place no real value on humanity in general.

Q. Why is Obama in Korea?  (Irma ~ Morgan Hill, CA)
A. He’s a narcissist; he wants to take another bow.  Besides, he’s getting booed a lot on the campaign trail.   

Q. How’s Obama doing on his quest to raise $1 billion for his campaign war chest? (Penelope ~ Klamath Falls, OR)  
A. He’s running about 50% behind, raising half as much each month as he needs to.  A whole lot of Democrats are balking.  Praise the Lord.    

“All of North Korea is a jail.” ~ Kim Y. Sam


Sunday, March 25, 2012


LIGNET is reporting that once powerful leaders have been purged in the Chinese hierarchy in the greatest political turmoil China has suffered since the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989.  Sharp divisions in China are emerging about its future economic and political trajectory. 

There seems to be political turmoil all over the world, including the U.S.  Our country is a tinderbox in and of itself.  Obama has divided us in so many ways and turned us into angry and frustrated members of various factions.  In China, there is almost no chance that dissidents will ever be able to bring positive change to the country; with Obama and his cronies running unchallenged roughshod over our Constitution, we’re headed in the same direction.   

Q. Why does Dick Cheney, of all people, get a heart transplant?  He’s done so much disservice to this country that I just wish he’d wither up and die.  (Georgia ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. How insensitive and self-serving can you get?  Take your spiteful, nasty attitude and absent yourself from my blog. You are certainly typical of the mean-spirited, left-wing Pelosi Democrats in San Francisco.  Why don’t you go back to your roots, as if you have any?  You do not belong in this country; you belong in hell. 

Q. Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona is on a crusade against Obama.  Now, he wants the Selective Service to produce a copy of Obama’s registration documents.  In the meanwhile, there is a story floating around the Internet with copies of a supposed birth certificate issued in Kenya.  Do you think he’s not a citizen?  (Barry ~ Falls Church, VA)
A. He has yet to produce a valid birth certificate, despite stories that he attended college here as a foreign student.  Any legitimate American would be unafraid to provide proof of citizenship. 

Q. The Supreme Court is now about to hear the ObamaCare case.  What do you think will happen?  (Helen ~ Susanville, CA)
A. I think it will be struck down, and it may be unanimous.  The Constitutional issues are quite well defined.  Contrary to predictions, I don’t think the decision will make any difference politically; diehard Obama supporters will crucify the Court.  If Americans don’t have their eyes open to the failures of Obama now, they never will. 

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” ~ Lord Byron