Tuesday, July 5, 2011


(1) Ghadafi to NATO: Halt Airstrikes or I’ll Bomb Europe; (2) Saudis Say They Will Go Nuclear if Iran Does   

Smothered as we were by the Casey Anthony trial, these dire statements were lost to the wind.  If either of the above events occurs, the world as we know it will change.  If Ghadafi bombs Europe, Libya will cease to exist, except as a pile of rubble.  If Saudi Arabia and Iran go both nuclear, World War III will be imminent, pitting the free world against Russia and China with the Middle East as the battle ground.  We are not watching a TV movie and this is not a popcorn moment. 

Q.  Half of the people I listen to say the economy is getting better and the other half says it is getting worse.  What’s the truth?  (Steve ~ Redding, CA)
A.  The fact that you have to ask speaks for itself.  As of this moment, I do not see one glimmer of hope out there.  The economy is being dragged down by unemployment.  Unemployment is being fueled by lack of consumer confidence, failure to buy merchandise, an uncertain tax climate, the deficit crisis, and a government that is totally unresponsive and badly broken.  I can’t paint the picture bunglingly enough.  Frankly, we would be much better off if we could find a way to close Washington entirely for about a year. 

Q.  Now some guy by the name of McCotter is in the GOP Presidential race.  Just how many people are going to end up in this race?  (Uma ~ Daly City, CA)
A.  I predicted this back at the beginning of the new year.  At this point, I suppose it is okay, although the field needs to be somewhat narrowed by January 1, 2012.  Not that any of this really matters, mind you.  The end of the world as we know it will occur in December of 2012, according to ancient texts from many countries;  that is before the January 2013 inauguration. 

Q.  Will Congress ever manage to get off the dime and decide whether or not to raise the debt ceiling?  (Kent ~ Klamath Falls, OR)
A.  Not with Anthony Weiner out of the picture. 

“The people liked the prospect of the end of the world because it would be a spectacle, something to relieve the fearful monotony of their lives. Funerals and weddings were commonplace, and nothing could have been so interesting to them as the coming of the end of the world ... unless it had been a first-class circus.” ~ Edward Eggleston,  The End of the World


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