Now that a Federal court has ruled that the building of the Muslim Mosque by the World Trade Center can proceed, a group of atheists has filed a suit saying that the display of a cross at the site is unconstitutional. The cross, which consists of two intersecting steel beams that were found intact in the rubble at Ground Zero, was placed inside the 9/11 Memorial Museum during a ceremony over the last weekend.
Don’t you understand what is happening to our country? Don’t you care?
Q. What do you say to the fact that we will default if we do not raise the debt ceiling by August 2nd. (Barbara ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. I say, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
Q. You have said it several times, but do you really think we should march on Washington? (Candy ~ Bend, OR)
A. Yes. Every last one of us.
Q. The Tea Party came out yesterday and said John Boehner should be removed as Speaker of the House. I couldn’t believe they said that. (Zeke ~ Willows, CA)
A. I heard it and I lost a whole lot of respect for the Tea Parties. I think the man is doing everything humanly possible to deal with the asshole in the White House, and then some more. I cannot conceive of anyone else in the House right now who could have done as good a job as he has so far. The Tea Party Express should be very ashamed of itself and its leadership.
“A politician is a man who will double cross that bridge when he comes to it.” ~ Oscar Levant
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