Monday, July 11, 2011


Both sides are running around claiming that the world will end on August 2nd if we do not have a new debt ceiling in place or a deficit-reduction plan agreed to.  The Democrats are claiming the Treasury will not be able to pay its debts and that, therefore, Social Security checks won’t be going out and the rest of the world will collapse.  The Republicans are saying we’re going to go over the cliff.  Each side is still in the demand stage, demanding this and demanding that.

It’s all a scare tactic designed to make the American public happy when they finally announce that they have made an agreement to cut spending by $1 a year and raise taxes by $800 billion.  It’s smoke and mirrors.  It’s a game.  It’s not what it appears to be.  Pure and simple, they don’t have the guts to do what has to be done, they don’t have the courage to tell us that, so they are intending to bamboozle us and kick the can down the road again. 
Q.  Whether or not they found her guilty, what do you think?  Is Casey Anthony guilty? (Bev ~ Chandler, AZ)
A.  Yes, she is guilty.  Now, let’s get beyond the fixation on this trial and start dealing with the real issues at hand.  We have ominous problems looming in the Middle East.  Our nation’s finances are in horrible shape.  We have millions of Americans without roofs over their heads or food in their bellies.  We have a volatile situation in North Korea and also in Mexico.  The situation in Japan is still grim.  We have the worst President this country has ever had and one of the worst leaders any country has ever had.  Let’s get beyond Casey Anthony. 

Q.  I hear Tiger Woods is going to make some big announcement Monday.  What do you think it will be? (Hannah ~ Havre, MT)
A.  That he misses his wife and children and cannot concentrate on his game. 

Q.  I hear we might stop giving money to Pakistan?  (Jeremy ~ Chico, CA)
A.  I think I have been pretty clear on my position: We have too much of a domestic need for our money.  We have our own problems with our economy and unemployment.  We need our money here, not overseas in someone else’s pocket.  We have no business subsidizing energy research in the Falklands or in supporting corrupt governments in Pakistan.  Now, if we want to spend money on researching what goes on with old men in the Virgin Islands, I could support that…..

“Achievements on the golf course are not what matters, decency and honesty are what matter.” ~   Tiger Woods


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