In one bizarre twist after another, Casey Anthony’s attorneys switched from the story about the drowning in the pool to “George did it.” But the prosecution trudged on and on and presented a pile of circumstantial evidence against her that could not be deterred.
But, it was. The jury found her innocent and O.J. Simpson must be proud of her. They also found her guilty of lying to investigators, which somehow seems inconsistent to me. So, the question becomes, if she is innocent, just who DID kill poor little Caley? Maybe it WAS George. Maybe the meter reader did it. I honestly think that this was a case of justice denied.
Q. Where does Joe Biden get off calling Republicans union haters? (Jim ~ Seattle, WA)
A. It’s very simple. He and Obama think everyone in the United States should be a union member so they would collectively pay more dues and contribute more dollars to their reelection campaigns. They do not give a hoot about the unions; just the contributions. And of course, we all know neither of them could hold on to their jobs this long unless they were in a union. Get ready for 16 more months of nasty and vile hate speech from those guys….
Q. I hear that Obama raised well over $75 million last quarter for his campaign. Why are people giving this kind of money to this kind of President? (Willie ~ Fernley, NV)
A. Because they want to buy influence, and it appears that influence is for sale. One of the top money getters for Obama in the last election was union mogul Andy Stern, and he has had almost unfettered access to the Oval Office ever since. He even puts Monica Lewinsky to shame.
Q. Tiger Woods hasn’t played decent golf since his breakup. Is he really that lovesick? (Marlo ~ Malibu, CA)
A. He’s had a couple of injuries, besides the ones he suffered on that fateful night. He’s also lost his wife and family and I do think that bothers him as well. He’s obviously a self-centered narcissist who has had several bad blows to the ego.
"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man." ~ Joe Biden on Barack Obama
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