Monday, July 25, 2011


As of press time last night, the deadlock in Washington continued, with both House Republicans and House Democrats putting together their own new plans that are worlds apart with no hope of resolution.  The House missed an artificial deadline they had set for being done before Asian markets opened for Monday trading.  While John Boehner continued with meetings and made a speech from the House, Obama summoned Pelosi and Reid to the White House.    

Obama is madder than hell; he’s not getting his way.  He is threatening, coercing and doing everything underhanded he can do to win.  At his behest, Reid has put together a Senate proposal for $2.5 trillion in deficit reductions along with the passing of a debt-limit increase, but closer examination reveals that the proposed cuts do not begin until after the November 2012 elections and that they could be scuttled altogether by the next Congress.  Although Obama is loudly blaming the Republicans, the simple fact is that he and the Democrats have had almost a year to deal with this issue and have refused to do so.  We’re paying these people damned good money to get the job done for us and they are refusing to do it.  We have every right to march on Washington en masse and demand answers and accountability. 

Q. Something doesn’t make sense to me.  Starting next year, dishwashers must use less energy.  Because they will use less energy, they will take longer to wash the dishes.  While they will also use less heated water, won’t the net result be the use of more energy?  (Lucy ~ Plano, TX)
A. Yes.  This is another dynamic project of your Environmental Protection Agency.  Isn’t it terrific, what your tax dollars are buying? 

Q. I understand the FBI is investigating Rupert Murdoch’s U.S. holdings?  How come?  (Kenny, Barstow, CA)
A. His now defunct newspaper in the United Kingdom was discovered doing illegal wire taps and other misdeeds in efforts to get the news.  The Justice Department Eric Holder is a staunch enemy of Fox News, one of Murdoch’s U.S. many holdings.  They are hoping and praying to shut Fox down, so they’re looking for similar misdeeds in the U.S.  Don’t forget that Holder scuttled charges against Blank Panther members who were caught red-handed interfering with voting in the November 2008 elections in Philadelphia and that he is currently stonewalling a Congressional investigation into illegal gun dealings by the BATF in Texas.  Isn’t it terrific how your government works?     

Q. I heard tax cheat Tim Geithner say yesterday, in essence, that we must raise the deficit and taxes before the country can create jobs.  I think that’s bull; they have more excuses for not fixing the unemployment problem in this country than Carter has pills. (Eric ~ San Rafael, CA)
A. Isn’t it terrific how your government works and what your tax dollars are buying? Have you had enough yet?    

"If I had my druthers, I'd fire everybody in Washington.  Here we are, two weeks away from a default, which would be an economic disaster of immeasurable proportion, and they think it's a joke." ~ Gerald Levine, retiree


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