Thursday, July 21, 2011

FINANCIAL NEWS CONTINUES TO WORSEN has announced lower than expected earnings in the second Quarter of 2011 and share are ominously down.    

Things are going to get much worse, and I see no signs of things getting better until we get rid of Barack Hussein Obama.  When that happens, I expect an immediate upswing in all factors of the economy.  The only question remaining is whether or not you want to do it now or to wait for four more years. 

Q. Obama is really putting on the muscle regarding the debt/deficit crisis.  But, I don’t see him coming with a plan of his own, just mean and spiteful remarks about those working on the problem.  What do you say?  (Gladys ~ East Wendover, UT)
A. He has no plan.  He doesn’t want to have a plan.  If he has a plan, it might fail.  If he makes others have a plan and their plans fail, he can be a meany about it.  Frankly, I think Obama needs a fall.  He needs to fail in Geithner’s August 2nd deadline; I don’t care if it is only by a day.  He gets very angry under such circumstance and the American public really needs to see the anger that this would-be dictator can deliver.  Then, maybe, we can understand why he needs to be removed. 

Q. FOX says that sixteen suspected members of a computer hacking group called "Anonymous" were arrested yesterday in states across the country from California to New York.  The arrests are part of an ongoing investigation into Anonymous, which has claimed responsibility for numerous cyber attacks against a variety of websites, including Visa and MasterCard.  These guys are in the U.S. and I thought hacking was done in China, Russia and Nigeria.  Is this a serious domestic problem?  (Gary ~ Mesa, AZ)
A. Who says that all criminals live in certain areas of the world?  Who says that hackers can’t cross the border and set up residency here?  Don’t be naïve; think outside of the boxer shorts.   

Q. Would Romney be a good President? (Ford ~ Hartford, CT)  
A. He would be an acceptable President and certainly better than what we have now. In that sense, he would be good for the country.  Is he the best choice among currently announced candidates?  No.  He should be near the bottom of the heap.   

“Democracy functions best when we have an active citizenry.” ~ Rick Perry


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