Wednesday, July 27, 2011


President Obama Monday night urged Americans to call their Congressional representatives and tell them they want balance in the budget and they want the situation resolved now.  Several Congressional websites, including John Boehner’s and Dianne Feinstein’s, were off the air this morning, having crashed due to the high volume of traffic.  It was virtually impossible to call any Member of Congress and many were unable to even call out.  But, those who got through did not convey the message that Obama wanted to hear.  Yes, they do want the situation resolved, but they favor “Cut, Cap & Balance” and do not want tax increases.  The pressure against raising the debt ceiling seems to be somewhat alleviated if the right legislation is passed.    

The President’s policies in dealing with this issue are morally reprehensible.  He has failed to engage in the debate, but continues to lecture Congressional leaders and the American public about what he wants. He scowls, points his finger of blame, rants, raves and acts like a five-year-old in a sandbox.  That is an accurate description of the President of the United States.  What a sad commentary on the state of the union.   

Q. I think back about the days when Bush was moving into the White House and how the incumbents had trashed all of the computers before they left…. Tens of thousands in damages and Bush never filed charges.  Here we are now, and the conservatives of this country are standing up and demanding what is right for our country and our future and look at how the Democrats are acting.  Why don’t they grow up and get a life?  (Milo ~ Phoenix, AZ)   
A. I could not have said it better myself, even after a few beers.   

Q. I see profits are down at  Is this going to be indicative of other major companies this quarter?  (Mo ~ Beverly Hills, CA)
A. has developed a “holier-than-thou” attitude; they have let their success go to their heads and shabby customer treatment has resulted.  It is only natural that their sales are decreasing.  In business, the minute you think your customers have to do what you say, you’re toast.  That having been said, all retail business continues to be in trouble in a sluggish economy with so much unemployment.  Maybe a good dose of Ex-Lax would help Congress and the President get the message. 

Q. President Obama is threatening to veto every decent bill regarding the debt and deficit that might possibly pass Congress.  We are tired of the damned games and we’re tired of Obama and his bullshit.  What can we do?  (Marguerite ~ Elk Grove, CA)
A. Get vocal about it.  Stand up and be heard.  Have no fear, because you know what is right and the right side will always win.  Let your Representatives know how you feel.  I know how frustrating it is, with Feinstein and Boxer, Pelosi and so forth; how can you possibly influence what they do and say?  Well, if enough people stand up to be heard, even they will have to listen.   

“Buck up or stay in the truck.” ~ Sarah Palin


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