Sunday, July 31, 2011


The U.S. House of Representatives, after putting forth a great deal of effort with two Bills to handle the debt and deficit and having them shot down by Harry Reid without so much as a discussion in Senate, yesterday summarily turned down Harry Reid’s Bill before it even got there.   

“Wahhhhhhhhh!   Wahhhhhhhhhh!  Those goddam Republicans!  Those obstructionist Tea Partiers!!!   Wahhhhhhhhh!!!   Wahhhhhhhhhhh!!!”   Hufff, puffff…. “The world is ending!!!!  The world is ending!!!!!   Quick!  Passing something!!!  Anything!!!!   The world is ending!!!!”  How many more times are we going to play this script? 

Q. How long is this one-month U.S. action going to go on in Libya, anyway?”  (Jerry ~ Rocklin, CA)
A. Right now, it looks as if we’re going to let the Russians take over in Libya and we’re going to let China deal with Pakistan and we’ll probably let North Korea tackle Iran.  This President has no testicles.  Don’t expect any miracles out of him. You know, if I had to take Osama back alive and in hiding in order to get rid of Obama, I think I’d do that in a heartbeat.    

Q. Why are the radical leftists making so much noise about the Norway shooter being a “Christian” when they virtually covered up the fact that the Fort Hood shooter was a Muslim?  (Betty ~ Redding, CA)
A. Because we made the mistake of letting them have a voice in this country.   

Q. There’s a report oozing out over the weekend that a government contractor in Iraq has been ripping the government off.  Can you fill me in? (Cricket ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. ANHAM, LLC which is based in Washington, allegedly charged the government $900 for a $7 switch, $3,000 for a $100 circuit breaker and $80 for a $1.41 plumbing part.  Their total contracts with the government in Iraq and Afghanistan are over $3.9 billion. ANHAM is a contracting company created by the principals of the Arab Supply and Trading Company ("ASTRA") of Saudi Arabia; HII-Finance Corporation of Vienna, Virginia, USA; and the Munir Sukhtian Group of Amman, Jordan. Now, you can’t exactly lay all of the blame on them; they may have billed those amounts and millions more in phony charges, but our government officials paid them. Yes, they do have a whole slew of people with Middle-Eastern names working for them in high places and this story has all of the potential of being the major news story of 2012.  We’ll see. Usually, when you smell a dead fish in the back of a government car, there's a dead fish there. 

"There is very little time." ~ Barack Hussein Obama, lamenting over America’s demands for a balanced budget and debt reduction. 


Saturday, July 30, 2011


One of the many lies told by Al Gore in the global warming debate was that polar bears were drowning because their ice was melting. Now, one of the major researchers on the issue, Charles Monnett, has been “iced” due to an investigation into the accuracy of his observations. 

They all think alike, don’t they?  They think they can lie, connive, cheat and steal and we will be too dumb to see it?  Damned left-wing liberals. 

Q. Given yesterday’s events, what’s your opinion about the debt-deficit negotiations? (Abbey ~ Camp Verde, AZ)  
A. It’s too much drama and theatre for me. 

Q. I find it hard to believe that cars will be getting 54.5 miles to the gallon by 2025.  How will they do that?  (Mark ~ Florence, AZ)
A. Good bye trucks, pickups and SUV's. Hello 2-cycle engines.  It doesn’t matter.  By then, unemployment will be at 80% and no one will be driving anyway.  But, Obama may still be Premier..... 

Q. I know that small businesses are concerned about the economy, Obama’s Health Care Plan, taxes and so forth.  Don’t they have a voice in this country? (Imogene ~ Ogden, UT)           
A. Through the Chamber of Commerce, which Obama despises, they are making their voices heard.  But, Washington isn’t listening.   

"A zebra does not change its spots." - Al Gore,


Friday, July 29, 2011


The Boehner Plan only cuts about $1 trillion from the budget; $22 billion this year and $917 over the next ten years, then leaving us with a $23 trillion deficit instead of $24 trillion.  The debt ceiling would be raised by $900 billion.  Conservative groups across the spectrum have voiced staunch opposition to the plan.    

Boehner is between a rock and a hard spot.  Obama and the Democrat-controlled Senate are refusing to even look at anything the House produces; the Cut, Cap and Balance Bill, passed two weeks ago by a bi-partisan vote in the House, has not even seen the light of day for consideration in the Senate, because Reid refuses to allow it to be heard.  How one House can simply ignore the work of the other House amazes me; I wonder how this country got this far.  Well, I guess we had genuine statesmen and Americans at the helm in the old days, didn’t we? 

So, my beef is not so much with Boehner as it is with Obama and Reid.  By their belligerent refusal to give any credence at all to House efforts, they are violating the trust and the will of the American people.  They have openly and flatly refused to negotiate Cut, Cap and Balance, although it had a bipartisan vote.  Well, I don’t care if we only have a few days left.  These arguments and this chicanery were used to shove ObamaCare up our rear ends.  Likewise, in this case, no bill is better than a bad bill.  The refusals to come to grips with reality, the refusals to resolve the issue today, the insistence in passing the buck and sending the can down the road one more time… these things are simply not acceptable.  We cannot, we must not cave-in now.  We must stand together, united in the common understanding that failure to do what is right is not an option. 

Q. How do you see this debt-deficit thing finally ending? (Trudy ~ Fall River Mills, CA)
A. I’ve always felt that the whole argument was a charade, a dog and pony show designed to mitigate the screams and demands of the Tea Parties.  Now, it’s down to the wire.  The House and the Senate will each have their own versions and the President will capitulate at the very last moment and “save the day,” thereby becoming a hero and both sides will win and the American public will be screwed… again.  I do not believe the problem will go away.  We’ll see. 

Q. I understand there is concern that terrorists may have infiltrated the nation’s utility systems? (Gabe ~ Ukiah, CA)
A. Recently, Sheriff Joe Arpaio arrested an illegal immigrant working at Palo Verde, the nation’s largest nuclear plant.  Cruz Loya Alvares was taken into custody by Sheriff Joe’s Deputies and after interrogation it was determined that Alvares has been in the U.S. illegally for most of the past 15 years.  He was even detained and deported in 2000 but paid a coyote for re-entry into the U.S.  Just last month, Mesa, Arizona Police cited him for driving with a suspended license.  There has been confirmed evidence along the border that members of Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations have been using the porous border crossing on a routine basis.  There is also growing evidence that terrorists are planning attacks against electric, water and natural gas utilities.  But, don’t let any of that bother you; Janet Napolitano has everything under control. 
Q. If I remember right, the economy did start recovery last year, but then it stalled again after about two months.  What happened? (Irene ~ Redding, CA)  
A. ObamaCare was passed.  Pure and simple, the connection has been made.  Businesses saw nothing but higher expenses for them and uncertainty for the future and they quit hiring.  As time has passed and the news about ObamaCare has become more and more ominous, businesses have decided not to hire unless absolutely necessary until after the 2012 elections, and longer if Obama wins reelection.

"The American people will not tolerate a clean increase in the debt limit." ~ John Boehner

TODAY’S VIDEO: The Wizard of Odds?

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Now that a Federal court has ruled that the building of the Muslim Mosque by the World Trade Center can proceed, a group of atheists has filed a suit saying that the display of a cross at the site is unconstitutional.  The cross, which consists of two intersecting steel beams that were found intact in the rubble at Ground Zero, was placed inside the 9/11 Memorial Museum during a ceremony over the last weekend.  

Don’t you understand what is happening to our country?  Don’t you care? 

Q. What do you say to the fact that we will default if we do not raise the debt ceiling by August 2nd.  (Barbara ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. I say, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”   

Q. You have said it several times, but do you really think we should march on Washington?  (Candy ~ Bend, OR) 
A. Yes.  Every last one of us. 

Q. The Tea Party came out yesterday and said John Boehner should be removed as Speaker of the House.  I couldn’t believe they said that.  (Zeke ~ Willows, CA)
A. I heard it and I lost a whole lot of respect for the Tea Parties.  I think the man is doing everything humanly possible to deal with the asshole in the White House, and then some more.  I cannot conceive of anyone else in the House right now who could have done as good a job as he has so far.  The Tea Party Express should be very ashamed of itself and its leadership.   

“A politician is a man who will double cross that bridge when he comes to it.” ~ Oscar Levant


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


President Obama Monday night urged Americans to call their Congressional representatives and tell them they want balance in the budget and they want the situation resolved now.  Several Congressional websites, including John Boehner’s and Dianne Feinstein’s, were off the air this morning, having crashed due to the high volume of traffic.  It was virtually impossible to call any Member of Congress and many were unable to even call out.  But, those who got through did not convey the message that Obama wanted to hear.  Yes, they do want the situation resolved, but they favor “Cut, Cap & Balance” and do not want tax increases.  The pressure against raising the debt ceiling seems to be somewhat alleviated if the right legislation is passed.    

The President’s policies in dealing with this issue are morally reprehensible.  He has failed to engage in the debate, but continues to lecture Congressional leaders and the American public about what he wants. He scowls, points his finger of blame, rants, raves and acts like a five-year-old in a sandbox.  That is an accurate description of the President of the United States.  What a sad commentary on the state of the union.   

Q. I think back about the days when Bush was moving into the White House and how the incumbents had trashed all of the computers before they left…. Tens of thousands in damages and Bush never filed charges.  Here we are now, and the conservatives of this country are standing up and demanding what is right for our country and our future and look at how the Democrats are acting.  Why don’t they grow up and get a life?  (Milo ~ Phoenix, AZ)   
A. I could not have said it better myself, even after a few beers.   

Q. I see profits are down at  Is this going to be indicative of other major companies this quarter?  (Mo ~ Beverly Hills, CA)
A. has developed a “holier-than-thou” attitude; they have let their success go to their heads and shabby customer treatment has resulted.  It is only natural that their sales are decreasing.  In business, the minute you think your customers have to do what you say, you’re toast.  That having been said, all retail business continues to be in trouble in a sluggish economy with so much unemployment.  Maybe a good dose of Ex-Lax would help Congress and the President get the message. 

Q. President Obama is threatening to veto every decent bill regarding the debt and deficit that might possibly pass Congress.  We are tired of the damned games and we’re tired of Obama and his bullshit.  What can we do?  (Marguerite ~ Elk Grove, CA)
A. Get vocal about it.  Stand up and be heard.  Have no fear, because you know what is right and the right side will always win.  Let your Representatives know how you feel.  I know how frustrating it is, with Feinstein and Boxer, Pelosi and so forth; how can you possibly influence what they do and say?  Well, if enough people stand up to be heard, even they will have to listen.   

“Buck up or stay in the truck.” ~ Sarah Palin


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Obama decided to speak to the nation last night at 6:00 PM PDT and millions of television sets across the country were immediately turned off.  Energy producers in every sector of the nation were amazed at the “bump” in resulting surplus electrical energy available.    

The natural gas supply, particularly around Washington, D.C., also surged.  One knowledgeable industry expert commented that Obama should speak more often and we could then get rid of the entire Department of Energy.  Debt crisis solved? 

Q. I understand that the Administration is pushing for a new national I.D. that would even keep you from using the Internet without using it.  How would that work?  (Karen ~ Genoa, NV)
A. If you don’t swipe your card and enter your government provided password, scan your I.D. implant or provide DNA, you can’t have access.  They may also want a pint of blood and a note from your mother.   

Q. What’s the real hangup with trimming the national debt?  (Cole ~ Gallup NM)
A. Obama is afraid ObamaCare will be a casualty.  John Boehner and the Tea Party guys are afraid it won’t.   

Q. The White House, Reid, Pelosi and the Democrats are really raining on the Tea Parties.  I’ve never seen such hatred.  (Kylie ~ Redding, CA)
A. Even worse than Fox?  If you are paying attention, you will notice that the majority of the Democrats, except those on the far left, are being very silent.  Maybe they are embarrassed about what is going on? 

TODAY’S QUOTE: “First, we must stop issuing drivers' licenses to people in our country illegally. Providing them with forms of government identification makes a mockery of our laws and undermines national security efforts.” ~  Bobby Jindal


Monday, July 25, 2011


As of press time last night, the deadlock in Washington continued, with both House Republicans and House Democrats putting together their own new plans that are worlds apart with no hope of resolution.  The House missed an artificial deadline they had set for being done before Asian markets opened for Monday trading.  While John Boehner continued with meetings and made a speech from the House, Obama summoned Pelosi and Reid to the White House.    

Obama is madder than hell; he’s not getting his way.  He is threatening, coercing and doing everything underhanded he can do to win.  At his behest, Reid has put together a Senate proposal for $2.5 trillion in deficit reductions along with the passing of a debt-limit increase, but closer examination reveals that the proposed cuts do not begin until after the November 2012 elections and that they could be scuttled altogether by the next Congress.  Although Obama is loudly blaming the Republicans, the simple fact is that he and the Democrats have had almost a year to deal with this issue and have refused to do so.  We’re paying these people damned good money to get the job done for us and they are refusing to do it.  We have every right to march on Washington en masse and demand answers and accountability. 

Q. Something doesn’t make sense to me.  Starting next year, dishwashers must use less energy.  Because they will use less energy, they will take longer to wash the dishes.  While they will also use less heated water, won’t the net result be the use of more energy?  (Lucy ~ Plano, TX)
A. Yes.  This is another dynamic project of your Environmental Protection Agency.  Isn’t it terrific, what your tax dollars are buying? 

Q. I understand the FBI is investigating Rupert Murdoch’s U.S. holdings?  How come?  (Kenny, Barstow, CA)
A. His now defunct newspaper in the United Kingdom was discovered doing illegal wire taps and other misdeeds in efforts to get the news.  The Justice Department Eric Holder is a staunch enemy of Fox News, one of Murdoch’s U.S. many holdings.  They are hoping and praying to shut Fox down, so they’re looking for similar misdeeds in the U.S.  Don’t forget that Holder scuttled charges against Blank Panther members who were caught red-handed interfering with voting in the November 2008 elections in Philadelphia and that he is currently stonewalling a Congressional investigation into illegal gun dealings by the BATF in Texas.  Isn’t it terrific how your government works?     

Q. I heard tax cheat Tim Geithner say yesterday, in essence, that we must raise the deficit and taxes before the country can create jobs.  I think that’s bull; they have more excuses for not fixing the unemployment problem in this country than Carter has pills. (Eric ~ San Rafael, CA)
A. Isn’t it terrific how your government works and what your tax dollars are buying? Have you had enough yet?    

"If I had my druthers, I'd fire everybody in Washington.  Here we are, two weeks away from a default, which would be an economic disaster of immeasurable proportion, and they think it's a joke." ~ Gerald Levine, retiree