Friday, August 31, 2012


Now that Romney is raising more money than Obama, now that Romney is spending more money than Obama and now that Obama is staring straight into the face of the possibility of defeat, he is lashing out at his supporters and demanding that they cough up more money.  If he loses, he says, it will be the fault of his supporters.  To add further import to his claim, he says that he hasn’t had as much time to campaign this year as he did in 2008 because he has been too busy “saving America.” 

At least he didn’t blame Bush.  I’ll be damned if I’d cough up even a nickel if I got that email.  And the fact is, of course, that he’s been campaigning for reelection since the day he took office.  But, maybe, he’ll bring Jimmy Carter in to speak at the Democratic National Convention next week, thinking that Carter might save his political butt. 
Q. Allen West is an eloquent speaker who makes the case for what needs to be done in America.  He’s from Florida and the Republican National Convention has been in Tampa.  Why wasn’t he included on the list of speakers?  (Cray ~ Sausalito, CA)
A. The bitter truth is, because he’s black, speaks his mind and is controversial. Maybe that's why Fox grounded Juan Williams? 

Q. Sarah Palin has said that a third political party could be in the works.  Who would they run for President at this late date?  (Barbie ~ Concord, CA)
A. She’s talking about in the future, not for this election.  Here’s the issue, as I have stated in my blogs many times.  The Republican Party acts too much like the Democratic Party on far too many occasions.  I advocated for a third party going into this election back in 2009 if things didn’t improve in the 2010 elections.  They did improve.  However, I have to agree with Sarah in the sense that the Republican Party has lost its way and I think that the time has arrived for the formation of a third party that is more down-to-earth American.  It needs to start forming now to be ready to field serious candidates in the 2016 election. 

Q. Obama is saying that questions about his place of birth are a big joke.  What’s your reaction?  (Tessie ~ Reno, NV)
A. When it comes to the Presidency, no question is a joke.  Those who seek to deflect the impact of the question are, however, hiding something. 

“The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C. This wasn't for any religious reasons. They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin.” ~ Jay Leno
(Does that rule out Obama?)


Thursday, August 30, 2012


Not only is Janet Napolitano’s Department of Homeland Security evidently a lady’s only club of favoritism, but DHS agents are increasing “on the take” from Mexican drug cartels that want to expand their drug operations in the United States and to smuggle illegal aliens from Mexico and the Middle East into the country.  Nations taking advantage of the corruption and using the cartels to smuggle persons into the country include Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, and Somalia.  DHS employees may also be bribed to leak or sell sensitive law enforcement information to smugglers, and provide them with documents such as immigration papers. 

Every single department under the Obama Administration seems to have serious problems with it.  The garbage truly starts at the top. 

Q. Just how did Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize?  (Donna ~ Shasta City, CA)
A. I presume George Soros bought it for him. 

Q. What do you think Obama will do for a living if he doesn’t win in November?  (Myron ~ Bend, OR)
A. Well, he’s accumulated millions of dollars in wealth.  Maybe he’ll move back to Kenya and share it with his destitute brother, aunt and cousins?  Isn’t that what “sharing the wealth” is all about?  Let me say this… When he loses, he’s gonna have to run like hell so Soros can’t find him. 

Q. Will Condoleeza Rice play a prominent role in Romney’s Administration?  (Ajay ~ Novato, CA)
A. I would be surprised if she doesn’t.  She certainly has an excellent record of service to America. 

I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the House of Representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.” ~ Andrew Jackson


Wednesday, August 29, 2012


While Isaac, the supposed spoiler for the Republican National Convention, never made it to Tampa and is now harassing New Orleans, Ann Romney took the stage last night and talked about Mitt, their marriage and the future of America.  And the crowd was delirious with admiration.  Left-wing liberal Democrats across the nation holed up in bars and drank their way to oblivion, surely disgusted to discover that “Witch Ann” is, in fact, the real down-to-earth Mrs. America.   

And, so we begin to unravel the multitude of flagrant lies from the Fourth Reich. Listen closely and pay attention. 

Q. The Navy Seals are putting out a new book about what actually happened in the Bin Laden raid and killing.  I understand the book is already #1 on Amazon’s list, although it won’t be released until September 11th.  Obviously, the Obama Administration is fit to be tied.  Can they do anything to stop it?  (Ivanhoe ~ Seattle, WA)
A. Not legally, unless there are military secrets involved. The rumor was that the Pentagon was going to press charges against the authors and contributors.  Then I heard they might confiscate the books before they get to bookstores.  They certainly would not want to make any moves that might cast a bad shadow over the Democrat Convention and having the resulting bad publicity after the election would surely finish off Obama’s reelection chances.  So, look for the book to come out and for an overt campaign to marginalize the authors and to paint them as traitors.   

Q. We don’t hear much about the Middle East these days, particularly about the governments that folded.  How come?  (Jordan ~ Dinuba, CA)
A. Obama doesn’t want negative news on the airwaves right now.  The fact is that Muslim extremists and Islamic militants are gaining power in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain and other countries.  It looks as if the departure of dictators is proving to be a bad idea. 

Q. What role is Sarah Palin playing in the Romney campaign?  (Glendora ~ Mountain View, CA)
A. She’s not expected to be at the convention.  She is out stumping for Romney, but the Romney folks wisely decided that she is still too controversial to be given any prominent roles at this time; the Democrats would have a field day if that were to happen.     

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” ~ Thomas Jefferson


Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Hurricane Isaac is on a race to New Orleans.  The Republicans are wanting to start their convention in Tampa.  The Democrats are jumping up and down in chorus, claiming that it’s God’s plan to dump on the Republican Convention.  Elizabeth Warren has been busy roughing up a Republican in Massachusetts and Obama is trying to figure out what secret he should leak next, Navy Seals be damned.  Who’s in charge here? 

Well, the Democrats are in charge.  Why do I say that?  Because, the nation is in economic chaos; immigration problems are rampant; the Attorney General is covering up Fast & Furious and security leaks abound.  The Senate hasn’t passed a budget in over three years and the jobless rate is horrible.  But, what are the Democrats spending their time on?  They’re so worried about a crack in the Capital Dome that there’s even talk of calling Congress back to appropriate $60 million to fix the damned crack.  So, it’s obvious; they don’t give a hoot about all of the other problems in this country, and they must therefore be in charge.  God forbid the dome should cave in and knock some of those numbskulls in their heads. 

Q. Just out of curiosity, what does Black America think about Biden’s saying they’re going to put blacks back in chains?  Do they think that’s what he meant?  (Ramin ~ San Jose, CA)
A. Well, Congressman Charles Rangel is madder than hell, as are a whole multitude of black leaders around the country.  “The Vice President said he’s going to put “y’all in chains,” Rangel says.  “Was he talking about slavery? You bet your ass he was. Was he using the vernacular? Yes, he was. Did he think it was cute? Yes, he did. Was it something stupid to say? You bet your life it was stupid." The fact that the White House has not responded to Rangel's rant or the criticisms of other black leaders tells you the rest of the story. 

Q. You said the other day that Obama’s brother George who lives in Kenya, lives in absolute poverty.  In the first place, I didn’t realize Obama had any living relatives outside of his Aunt who is an illegal living in the U.S. and avoiding deportation.  Who else is around?  (Mercedes ~ Tucson, AZ)
A. He has a whole bunch of cousins living in Kenya, also in absolute poverty.  George Obama lives in a tiny shack in a Nairobi slum and gets by on just a few dollars a month.  Another Obama aunt lives in Nairobi and sells coal on the streets to make a living.  His U.S. aunt was suddenly granted political asylum and allowed to stay in the U.S.; I understand she draws welfare benefits.  Obama refuses to discuss his family, reportedly because they have said in the past that he was born in Kenya, which they have indeed said.  And you know in your gut why the mainstream media is not reporting this most embarrassing news. 

Q. About 75% of Americans believe photo identification should be required at the polls.  Why is the Obama Administration spending millions of our dollars on legal maneuvers to stop this requirement?  (Dillard ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. It’s not just photo I.D.  The Obama Administration has adamantly defied all efforts to remove the possibility of fraud from the election process.  I think the reason is obvious on its face; contact the remnants of ACORN for further details. 

“Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog.” ~ Winston Churchill


Monday, August 27, 2012


Jennifer Granholm, former Democratic Governor of Michigan, has come forth and said that God is shutting down the GOP Convention in Tampa. 

And that, my friend, is how the Obama team thinks.  They’re all so delusional that they think… although they do not believe in God and do believe that clinging onto the Bible is for wimps… Nevertheless, they have the ability to invoke the Power of God to rain on the Republican parade.  Well… bird shit! 

Q. Judge Thomas Head from Lubbock, Texas says he thinks there will be another Civil War if Obama wins in November.  Would you go that war?  (Kevin ~ Lakewood, CO)
A. This nation is already a tinder box of angry people on both sides of Obama’s Socialist agenda.  I don’t think it would take much to start a civil war, or downright anarchy, regardless of which side wins. 

Q. Obama lashed out in a stinging and nasty rebuke of both Mitt Romney and Donald Trump over a joke Mitt made about Obama’s birth certificate last week.  Is that issue really going to come up in this campaign?  (Gussie ~ El Paso, TX)
A. There he goes again, blaming others for problems of his own making.  All he has to do is to settle the issue by producing a clean, legitimate birth certificate.  It’s that simple.  And don’t tell me he already did that; there’s not a single document expert in the nation who says that last “certificate” is not a forgery.  Not one. And it's a fact: Obama has never denied that it is a forgery. 

Q. I often think that what this country really needs right now is a true “Jack Anderson” in Washington reporting on what is really happening there.  Why isn’t someone filling that void? (Byron ~ Medford, OR)
A. First, you have to find a newspaper willing to publish such a muck-racking column; few newspapers seem to be inclined to tackle this Administration.  But, here’s something you didn’t know:  After 14 years at National Public Radio, Andrea Seabrook left in July and, to hear her talk about her experience covering Capitol Hill, it’s clear that she has an opinion: it’s damn frustrating.  Speaking of the nation’s Capital, she said: “It has become such a complete theater that none of it is real. … I feel like I am, as a reporter in the Capitol, lied to every day, all day." Personally, I feel that having a press and media that constantly lies to you and is a propaganda mill for any administration, is worse than having no press and no media at all. 

“A crap sandwich with a smile is still a crap sandwich.” ~ Allen West on Obama’s likeability.