Sunday, January 12, 2014


The news released last week that the nation’s unemployment rate has dropped to 6.7% caught everyone off guard and the Obama Administration was quick to capitalize on the news. 

Getting less attention was the fact that the percentage of eligible workers participating in the labor market was at its lowest point since 1978.  In summary, fewer people are looking for work because the jobs are just not there.  This is backed up by the fact that we had the lowest number of new jobs created in three years.  I’ve said this before, but not for quite some time: If everybody in the country was out of work and out of unemployment benefits, the unemployment rate would be 0.0%.  The method for measuring activity in the labor market is so flawed that it is virtually meaningless and useless. 

Q. Everyone knows that a top executive at CGI, the Canadian firm behind the ObamaCare website debacle, went to Princeton with Michelle Obama.  Now I hear that CGI is being replaced.  Do you know anything about the new firm?  (Opal ~ Yuma, AZ)
A. It is Accenture, a global technology and consulting firm.  Forbes speaks highly of them and I’ve not been able to dig up anything derogatory, but I did find four or five dog bones.    

Q. The ACLU has filed suit to declare the NSA’s collection of personal information on citizens as unconstitutional, and I hear the NRA is backing them up.  Isn’t that really the odd couple?  (Denny ~ Seattle, WA)
A. The NRA filed an amicus brief because it believes continued collection of information could identify NRA members and subject them to political retribution. Nawww, really? 

Q. I understand there’s now a big push on to eliminate background checks for past criminal behavior on the part of new hires.  It seems to me that this would expose companies to some serious liability issues if an employee with a criminal background robbed or shot somebody.  (Bernard ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Agreed.  But the liberal left-wingers don’t want you to be able to identify the core of their ranks. 

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.” ~ Mark Twain


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