Saturday, January 11, 2014


Iran's nuclear envoy in Geneva says an initial agreement has been reached on implementing a nuclear deal with six world powers and that it's been sent to capitals for approval.  The details of the agreement have not yet been disclosed, except that the parties would continue to negotiate for another six months before reaching an agreement. 


In the meantime, of course, Iran continues its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons with the acquisition of new and more powerful centrifuges.  Like you, I thought the deal reached a month or so ago was the temporary agreement to work on an agreement for six months.  Evidently, I was wrong.  It was an agreement to start work on a temporary agreement for six months... while they work out an agreement.  THAT’S why Kerry and Obama were so excited!  And that’s why I’m heading for the bar.  How convoluted can you get?   


Q. In your opinion, did Chris Christie tell the truth when he said he had nothing to do with the New Jersey bridge traffic scandal?  (Felipe ~ Springfield, IL)
A. I believe he was telling the truth.  Am I recommending him for the Presidency?  Absolutely not.  I think he should have put a few people on administrative leave pending an investigation into the matter, but he got off to a good start as far as I am concerned.  Now then, I also need to say this and you know I am 100% right when I say it: In any state, county or city where road work is to be done, they always do it during periods of peak traffic.  And within 24 hours of completing a repaving job, they’ll dig a trench across the road to bury a pipe that should have been buried before the repaving and they will do it in such a manner that there will be a perpetual bump there until the next repaving job. That’s just the way life is.   

Q. With all of the record gun sales in the country last year, do you really think Obama would dare to try and confiscate them?  (Helene ~ Los Angeles, CA)
A. Yes.  And here’s an interesting statistic: People in Illinois were buying and registering new guns at a much faster rate than they were signing up for ObamaCare.  Doesn’t that fact infer that people would rather buy a gun than have an ObamaCare health policy?  So, then, if Obama can confiscate guns, he can force people onto ObamaCare? 

Q. I hear Nancy Pelosi had a big hissy the other day and told reporters to immediately quit calling it “ObamaCare;” it’s the “Affordable Care Act.”  What’s that all about?  (Bubbles ~ Needles, CA)
A. It’s about the fact that ObamaCare is so rotten that even Obama doesn’t want his name associated with it.  It’s also about the fact that Pelosi is a dimwitted pudding head who thinks that there is anyone in this country who gives a hoot about what SHE thinks. 


If God had wanted us to vote, He would have given us candidates.” ~ Jay Leno



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