Thursday, January 30, 2014


The National Taxpayer Advocate says that some 20 million telephone calls to IRS last year were not answered.  "At the risk of vast understatement, it is a sad state of affairs when the government writes tax laws as complex as ours -- and then is unable to answer any questions beyond 'basic' ones from baffled citizens who are doing their best to comply," the report from National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson said. 


To make a long story short, I had to interact with IRS twice last year.  I called them regarding a question pertaining to a non-profit organization.  After about 40 minutes’ wait time, I finally was connected to a lady who was obviously in a bad, bad mood.  I never did get a straight answer to my question and she finally told me to go to my local IRS Office.  The second interaction was at the local IRS Office where, after three hours sitting in the lobby I was called in to an agent who handed me a telephone number to call… the same number I had called before.  I totally agree: The IRS is not responsive and, considering what they are doing to Conservative non-profits, I further agree that we should simply go to a flat tax and abolish the IRS; they do not deserve to be employed with my tax money.  I can hardly wait to hear the forthcoming stories about Americans, ObamaCare and the IRS.  


Q. What kind of impact do you think Obama will have on the 2014 elections? (Benny ~ Little Rock, AR)
A. Disastrous for the Democrats.  If he wants to help any candidate at all, he would be wise to climb back underneath the rock that he came from… at least until the elections are over.  The only Democrats I can think of who want to be within ten miles of him are Pelosi, Reid and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.    Oh… I left out Charlie Schumer. 

Q. I got a kick out of Fox News; they sent out a guy to ask people what they thought about the State of the Union Address, only they did it before the address.  It’s amazing how many people weighed in on the address.  What do you think?  (Porky ~ Fullerton, CA)
A. I guess the liberal Democrats are right after all; they have many intellectual abilities including the ability to foresee the future.  We should be in total awe.  Just before I go to bed tonight, I'll say three "Hail Barrys."  

Q. What do you think about the President’s claims of inequality in the work place? (Ashleigh ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. Inequality of what?  The women in the White House get paid less for similar jobs than men; that’s a fact.  Is that what Obama is talking about?  Or is it about the average government worker in Washington, DC getting paid substantially more than civilian counterparts elsewhere? Did he say anything about those things?  How about the government employees in Washington getting special treatment regarding ObamaCare?  This guy likes to talk about everything thing except the facts.  One other thing: As long as he was inviting all of these people to his speech to use as testimony for his acumen as President, why didn’t he have one of the survivors from Benghazi there?  

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." ~ Aristotle


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